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Judiciary And Law Mcqs

All the agreements are contracts if they are made by free consent of the parties competent to contract for a ___________ consideration and object ?

All the agreements are contracts if they are made by free consent of the parties competent to contract for a ___________ consideration and object ?

A. Any
B. Lawful
C. Unlawful
D. None of above

All the agreements are contracts if they are made by free consent of the parties competent to contract for a ___________ consideration and object ? Read More »

1872 Contract Act, Judiciary And Law Mcqs

A proposes by letter to sell a house to B The Communication of the proposal is complete________________?

A proposes by letter to sell a house to B The Communication of the proposal is complete________________?

A. When A make such proposal
B. When B accepts the proposal
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

A proposes by letter to sell a house to B The Communication of the proposal is complete________________? Read More »

1872 Contract Act, Judiciary And Law Mcqs

An agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one or more of the parties there to but not at the option of other or others is _______________?

An agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one or more of the parties there to but not at the option of other or others is _______________?

A. A void contract
B. A voidable contract
C. A valid contract
D. All of above

An agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one or more of the parties there to but not at the option of other or others is _______________? Read More »

1872 Contract Act, Judiciary And Law Mcqs