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Islamic Studies Mcqs

The Muslim invaded Spain in__________?

The Muslim invaded Spain in__________?A. 701 A.D
B. 711 A.D
C. 717 A.D
D. 727 A.D

On April 30, 711, Muslim General Tariq ibn-Ziyad landed at Gibraltar and by the end of the campaign most of the Iberian Peninsula (except for small areas in the north-west such as Asturias and the Basque territory) were brought under Islamic rule.


The Muslim invaded Spain in__________? Read More »

General Knowledge MCQs, Islamic Studies Mcqs

How many vowels does Arabic Language have?

How many vowels does Arabic Language have?A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7

Arabic has only three vowels (“a”, “i”, “u”), each of which can be either short or long. Long vowels are pronounced for about twice as long as short vowels. The long vowels /a:/, /i:/ and /u:/ are represented by the letters ‘alif, yā’ and wāw respectively.

Mcq Added by: Sheraz Afridi

How many vowels does Arabic Language have? Read More »

General Knowledge MCQs, Islamic Studies Mcqs