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Islamic Studies Mcqs

Facsimile of Holy Prophet (SAWS) was____________?

Facsimile of Holy Prophet (SAWS) was____________?

A. Hazrat Hussain
B. Hazrat Hassan
C. Hazrat Zubair
D. Hazrat Mus’ab bin Umair

Mus’ab ibn Omair (مصعب بن عمير‎) also known as Mus’ab al-Khayr (“the Good”) was a sahabi (companion) of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). From the Banū ‘Abd al-Dār branch of the Quraysh, he embraced Islam in 614 CE and was the first ambassador of Islam. He died in the Battle of Uhud in 625 CE.

Facsimile of Holy Prophet (SAWS) was____________? Read More »

Islamic Studies Mcqs

The word “Takaful” comes from the Arabic root word__________?

The word “Takaful” comes from the Arabic root word__________?A. Wakala
B. Kafala
C. Wauf
D. None of Them

The word Takaful comes from the Arabic root word Kafala, meaning “Guaranteeing each other”. The Takaful arrangement is based on the concept of Ta’awun (mutual assistance) and ‘Tabarru’, where a group of participants pool resources in order to mutually the risk of each other.


The word “Takaful” comes from the Arabic root word__________? Read More »

Islamic Studies Mcqs