Question: Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate [A]. activates fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase [B]. activates phosphofructokinase [C]. inhibits fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase [D]. both (b) and (c) Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: Glucose from the breakdown of glycogen is obtained in [A]. the liver by phosphorolysis [B]. the muscles by phosphorolysis [C]. the muscles by hydrolysis [D]. both (a) and (b) Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this…

Question: Glycogen has [A]. α-1,4 linkage [B]. α-1,6 linkages [C]. α-1,4 and α-1,6 linkages [D]. α-1,4 and β-1,6 linkage Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: During glycolysis, the major energy generating step involves [A]. pyruvate kinase [B]. phosphoglycerate kinase [C]. glyceraldehyde-3 -dehydrogenase [D]. Phosphofructokinase Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: Which of the following regulates glycolysis steps? [A]. Phosphofructokinase [B]. Hexose kinase [C]. Pyruvate kinase [D]. All of these Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: Glycolytic pathway regulation involves [A]. allosteric stimulation by ADP [B]. allosteric inhibition by ATP [C]. feedback, or product, inhibition by ATP [D]. all of the above Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: A kinase is an enzyme that [A]. removes phosphate groups of substrates [B]. uses ATP to add a phosphate group to the substrate [C]. uses NADH to change the oxidation state of the substrate [D]. removes water from a…