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Gas Chromatography

Headspace analysis is carried out in order to

Question: Headspace analysis is carried out in order to

analyse volatile compounds from solid or liquid samples


determine the psychological state of the tutor


analyse the column contents ahead of the sample


determine non-volatiles

Answer: Option A


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Headspace analysis is carried out in order to Read More »

Biochemistry, Gas Chromatography

A retention gap is placed between the injector and the front of the column to

Question: A retention gap is placed between the injector and the front of the column to

retain contaminants and prevent them from reaching the column


retain the sample and release it gradually to the column


prevent backflush of the injected solution


all of the above

Answer: Option A


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A retention gap is placed between the injector and the front of the column to Read More »

Biochemistry, Gas Chromatography

Helium is generally preferred as carrier gas over nitrogen and hydrogen because

Question: Helium is generally preferred as carrier gas over nitrogen and hydrogen because

it is inert


it has a lower viscosity


it doubles up as a party gas for balloons and funny voices


all of above

Answer: Option D


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Helium is generally preferred as carrier gas over nitrogen and hydrogen because Read More »

Biochemistry, Gas Chromatography