Question: Axiology is the science of ——– A. values B. beauty C. science D. beauty Answer» a. values Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: Kama literally means A. desire B. freedom C. sex D. none of these Answer» a. desire Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: Anuvratas are the —– vows A. neutral B. lesser C. higher D. stronger Answer» b. lesser Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: ———– is not a positive science A. physics B. zoology C. ethics D. sociology Answer» c. ethics Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: ——- is a postulate of morality A. law of excluded middle B. immortality of the soul C. law of identity D. none of these Answer» b. immortality of the soul Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general…

Question: (a) 22.(a) 23.(c)24.(b) 25.(c) 26.( A. 27. B. 28.(b) 29(b) 30.(b) 31. C. 32.(c) 33. D. 34.(d) 35.(a) 36.(a) 37.(a) Answer» a. 27. Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: Transmigration of the soul is associated with A. virtue ethic B. karma doctrine C. custom D. none of these Answer» b. karma doctrine Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: —— is not a pragmatist A. f.h.bradley B. john dewey C. c.s.peirce D. f c s schiller Answer» a. f.h.bradley Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India.