Question: Average Revenue of a monopolist firm is A. Always more than the Marginal revenue B. Always less than the Marginal revenue C. Equal to marginal revenue D. Any of the above three possible Answer» a. Always more than the…

Question: Economic resources are A. Unlimited B. Limited in supply and use C. Limited in supply but have alternative uses D. Unproductive Answer» c. Limited in supply but have alternative uses Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general…

Question: Scarcity of resources means A. Limited resources B. Non – esxistence of resources C. Both D. None Answer» a. Limited resources Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all general and Competitive Exams in India. 

Question: ………………… is the personal income minus personal income tax and miscellaneous receipts ofGovernment administrative departments. A. Surplus income B. Disposal income C. Expendable income D. Residual income Answer» b. Disposal income Note: The above multiple-choice question is for all…

Question: Normative economic theory deals with A. What is or how the economic problem facing the society are solved B. How the problem should be solved C. What to Produce D. How to produce Answer» b. How the problem should…