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France Constitution

In 1852, Napoleon III transferred the second republic into the second Empire, which was destroyed by the emergent Germany in:

In 1852, Napoleon III transferred the second republic into the second Empire, which was destroyed by the emergent Germany in:

B. 1855
B. 1865
C. 1870
D. 1875

In 1852, Napoleon III transferred the second republic into the second Empire, which was destroyed by the emergent Germany in: Read More »

France Constitution, Political Science Mcqs

In France, monarchy was ended in the result of rebellion of people and the first Republic was announced on:

In France, monarchy was ended in the result of rebellion of people and the first Republic was announced on:

B. January 11,1789
B. September 15,1790
C. December 17,1791
D. September 22,1792

In France, monarchy was ended in the result of rebellion of people and the first Republic was announced on: Read More »

France Constitution, Political Science Mcqs