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Fermentation Kinetics

The specific growth rate (μ) is defined as

Question: The specific growth rate (μ) is defined as

the concentration of biomass in the reactor


rate of increase of total biomass in a reactor


the rate of individual cells division or increase in their biomass


the rate of cell death

Answer: Option C


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The specific growth rate (μ) is defined as Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Which of the following(s) is/are considered the limitations of the exponential growth model?

Question: Which of the following(s) is/are considered the limitations of the exponential growth model?

Only predicts that cells grow exponentially during the log phase


It does not consider factors that causes cells growth to stop or slow


Predicts cell growth at a linear rate


All of the above

Answer: Option B


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Which of the following(s) is/are considered the limitations of the exponential growth model? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Which of the following is an example of a mathematical model?

Question: Which of the following is an example of a mathematical model?

Volume of cuboid = length x breadth x height


The Monod Model


The Michaelis Menten Equation


All of the above

Answer: Option D


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Which of the following is an example of a mathematical model? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

In the accelerated phase, cell starts to

Question: In the accelerated phase, cell starts to

increase and the division rate increases to reach a maximum


decrease and the division rate increases to reach a maximum


increase and the division rate decreases to reach a maximum


increase and the division rate increases to reach a minimum

Answer: Option A


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In the accelerated phase, cell starts to Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Stationary phase is described as

Question: Stationary phase is described as

no further increase in the cell population after a maximum value


deceleration of growth and division rate after the growth rate reaches a maximum


acceleration of growth and division rate after the growth rate reaches a maximum


deceleration of growth and division rate after the growth rate reaches a minimum

Answer: Option A


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Stationary phase is described as Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

During the log phase cell numbers increase exponentially

Question: During the log phase cell numbers increase exponentially

because cells produce enzymes


because cells do not have cell membranes


because cells are autocatalysts


because the rate of cell division increases exponentially

Answer: Option C


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During the log phase cell numbers increase exponentially Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Biomass concentrations during fermentation is

Question: Biomass concentrations during fermentation is

diluting the samples to optical density less than 0.3


monitored by controlling the changes in biomass concentrations


considering that optical density is proportional to the surface area of the biomass in the sample


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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Biomass concentrations during fermentation is Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The optical density sometimes drops during the lag phase because

Question: The optical density sometimes drops during the lag phase because

cells tend to grow without dividing leading to a decrease in the surface area to volume ratio


of fast cell growth causing them to fill up with DNA


cells swell up with water


cells swell up with RNA

Answer: Option A


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The optical density sometimes drops during the lag phase because Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics