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Fermentation Kinetics

During the exponential phase the maximum specific growth rate equals specific growth rate as

Question: During the exponential phase the maximum specific growth rate equals specific growth rate as

concentration of the growth limiting substrate is much less than the monod constant


concentration of growth limiting substrate is much greater than the monod constant


specific growth rate increases exponentially


concentration of the growth limiting substrate is equal to the monod constant

Answer: Option B


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During the exponential phase the maximum specific growth rate equals specific growth rate as Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The maximum specific growth rate (μm) of an organism in batch culture is equal to slope of a plot of

Question: The maximum specific growth rate (μm) of an organism in batch culture is equal to slope of a plot of

In [biomass] against time for exponential phase data only


In [biomass] against time


biomass against time


biomass against time for stationary phase data only

Answer: Option A


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The maximum specific growth rate (μm) of an organism in batch culture is equal to slope of a plot of Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Which of the following is correct for the prediction of time requirement in a batch fermenter?

Question: Which of the following is correct for the prediction of time requirement in a batch fermenter?

Carrying out experiments


Mathematical modelling of the fermentation process


Both (a) and (b)


It is impossible to predict the time required for fermentation

Answer: Option C


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Which of the following is correct for the prediction of time requirement in a batch fermenter? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The monod model predicts that the specific growth rate

Question: The monod model predicts that the specific growth rate

will increase with the concentration of the growth limiting substrate until it reaches a maximum value


will decrease with the concentration of the growth limiting substrate


will increase with the concentration of the growth limiting substrate


does not depend on growth limiting substrate

Answer: Option A


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The monod model predicts that the specific growth rate Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Which of the following is not correct for the Monod model and the Michaelis Menten Model?

Question: Which of the following is not correct for the Monod model and the Michaelis Menten Model?

The Michaelis Menten Model was derived from a curve fitting exercise


The Michaelis Menten model was derived from an analysis of the mechanism of microbial growth


The Monod model was derived from an analysis of the mechanism of microbial growth


All of the above

Answer: Option C


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Which of the following is not correct for the Monod model and the Michaelis Menten Model? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

At the end of the lag phase, when growth begins, the division rate increases gradually and reaches a maximum value in the exponential growth period. This transitional period is commonly called the accelerated growth phase and is often included as a part of the

Question: At the end of the lag phase, when growth begins, the division rate increases gradually and reaches a maximum value in the exponential growth period. This transitional period is commonly called the accelerated growth phase and is often included as a part of the

lag phase


stationary phase


death phase


exponential growth phase

Answer: Option A


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At the end of the lag phase, when growth begins, the division rate increases gradually and reaches a maximum value in the exponential growth period. This transitional period is commonly called the accelerated growth phase and is often included as a part of the Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Concentration of the growth limiting substrate means

Question: Concentration of the growth limiting substrate means

trace elements concentration


the concentration of the substrate that controls the growth rate of the cells


sugar concentration in the fermentation medium


dissolved oxygen concentration

Answer: Option B


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Concentration of the growth limiting substrate means Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics