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Fermentation Kinetics

Turbidostat is recommended when continuous fermentation needs to be carried out at

Question: Turbidostat is recommended when continuous fermentation needs to be carried out at

high dilution rates near the washout point


low dilution rates near the washout point


moderate dilution rates near the washout point


any intensity of dilution rates near the washout point

Answer: Option A


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Turbidostat is recommended when continuous fermentation needs to be carried out at Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Stirred tank fermenter (STF) can be employed for

Question: Stirred tank fermenter (STF) can be employed for

aerobic fermentation of a wide range of cells including microbial, animal and plant cells


anaerobic fermentation of a wide range of cells including microbial, animal and plant cells


Both (a) and (b)


anaerobic fermentation of plant cells only

Answer: Option C


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Stirred tank fermenter (STF) can be employed for Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The diameter of the baffles in a standard stirred tank bioreactor ranges from

Question: The diameter of the baffles in a standard stirred tank bioreactor ranges from

1/10th – 1/12th of the tank diameter


1/3rd – 1/4th of the tank diameter


1/15th – 1/20th of the tank diameter


1/20th – 1/25th of the tank diameter

Answer: Option A


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The diameter of the baffles in a standard stirred tank bioreactor ranges from Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Why a T-flask used in small-scale cell culture is incubated in a horizontal position?

Question: Why a T-flask used in small-scale cell culture is incubated in a horizontal position?

To save space


To increase the surface area of the liquid-air interface


Both (a) and (b)


To increase the rate of oxygen transfer into the liquid

Answer: Option C


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Why a T-flask used in small-scale cell culture is incubated in a horizontal position? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

If the specific growth rate, μ. is constant with time during the exponential growth period, the equation correlating bacterial number density Cn), cell number concentration with respect to time can be expressed as

Question: If the specific growth rate, μ. is constant with time during the exponential growth period, the equation correlating bacterial number density Cn), cell number concentration with respect to time can be expressed as

Cn= Cn0 exp[μ (t – t0)]


Cn0 = Cn exp[μ (t – t0)]


Cn/Cn0 =(1/μ)exp(t-t0)


Cn0 / Cn = (1/μ)exp(t-t0)

Answer: Option A


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If the specific growth rate, μ. is constant with time during the exponential growth period, the equation correlating bacterial number density Cn), cell number concentration with respect to time can be expressed as Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The phenomenon in which substrates are used in a sequential manner is known as

Question: The phenomenon in which substrates are used in a sequential manner is known as

trans-substrate genesis







Answer: Option C


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The phenomenon in which substrates are used in a sequential manner is known as Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The application of just in time (JIT) manufacturing techniques in biotechnology is important because

Question: The application of just in time (JIT) manufacturing techniques in biotechnology is important because

raw materials used in biotechnology are biodegradable


the products of biotechnology are biodegradable


it is a very competitive business (d) all of the above


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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The application of just in time (JIT) manufacturing techniques in biotechnology is important because Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The relatively large volume (10 to 40% of total fermenter volume) of the seed culture is employed to

Question: The relatively large volume (10 to 40% of total fermenter volume) of the seed culture is employed to

increase the overall fermentation time


increase the overall yield of biomass


decrease the overall fermentation time


decrease the overall yield of product

Answer: Option C


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The relatively large volume (10 to 40% of total fermenter volume) of the seed culture is employed to Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics