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Fermentation Kinetics

A culture in a closed vessel to which no additional medium is added and from which no waste products are removed is called a __________ culture.

Question: A culture in a closed vessel to which no additional medium is added and from which no waste products are removed is called a __________ culture.







semi continuous

Answer: Option B


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A culture in a closed vessel to which no additional medium is added and from which no waste products are removed is called a __________ culture. Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The increased air flow rate in bubble column fermenter can cause excessive foaming and high retention of air bubbles in the column which

Question: The increased air flow rate in bubble column fermenter can cause excessive foaming and high retention of air bubbles in the column which

decreases the productivity of the fermenter


increases the productivity of the fermenter


modestly increases the productivity of the fermenter


does not affect on the productivity

Answer: Option A


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The increased air flow rate in bubble column fermenter can cause excessive foaming and high retention of air bubbles in the column which Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The high oxygen transfer efficiencies of airlift bioreactors is due to

Question: The high oxygen transfer efficiencies of airlift bioreactors is due to

the large aspect ratio of the reactor, which leads to a high gas hold-up


the large aspect ratio of the reactor, which leads to a high oxygen solubility at the base of the reactor


the draft tube, which reduces bubble coalescence in the reactor


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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The high oxygen transfer efficiencies of airlift bioreactors is due to Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The main function(s) of a draft tube in an air lift fermenter is/are to

Question: The main function(s) of a draft tube in an air lift fermenter is/are to

increase the solubility of oxygen


distribute shear forces throughout the reactor and minimise bubble coalescence


concentrate shear forces around the sparger


concentrate shear forces near the disengagement zone

Answer: Option B


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The main function(s) of a draft tube in an air lift fermenter is/are to Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The function(s) of the draft tube in an airlift bioreactor is

Question: The function(s) of the draft tube in an airlift bioreactor is

to reduce bubble coalescence


to improve circulation


to even out shear conditions throughout the reactor


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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The function(s) of the draft tube in an airlift bioreactor is Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The advantage of airlift bioreactors over stirred tank bioreactors of a similar size is

Question: The advantage of airlift bioreactors over stirred tank bioreactors of a similar size is

higher oxygen transfer rates


more uniform shear conditions


both (a) and (b)


less foaming

Answer: Option C


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The advantage of airlift bioreactors over stirred tank bioreactors of a similar size is Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics