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Fermentation Kinetics

Bacterial growth curve is obtained by plotting

Question: Bacterial growth curve is obtained by plotting

number of cells versus time


number fo spores versus time


log of number of cells versus time


log of number of cells survived versus time

Answer: Option C


No answer description available for this question.

Bacterial growth curve is obtained by plotting Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Population doubling time, td can be expressed as (where μ is the specific growth rate.)

Question: Population doubling time, td can be expressed as (where μ is the specific growth rate.)








Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

Population doubling time, td can be expressed as (where μ is the specific growth rate.) Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Wash out in steady state fermentation occurs when

Question: Wash out in steady state fermentation occurs when

dilution rate is less than maximum specific growth rate


dilution rate is higher than the maximum specific growth rate


cell concentration reaches the maximum


specific growth rate is maximum

Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

Wash out in steady state fermentation occurs when Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

A functional relationship between the specific growth rate and essential compounds concentration was proposed by Monod in

Question: A functional relationship between the specific growth rate and essential compounds concentration was proposed by Monod in








Answer: Option C


No answer description available for this question.

A functional relationship between the specific growth rate and essential compounds concentration was proposed by Monod in Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

The dilution rate, D is defined as(where F = volumetric flow rate, VR = total volume of culture in the reactor and μ specific growth rate)

Question: The dilution rate, D is defined as(where F = volumetric flow rate, VR = total volume of culture in the reactor and μ specific growth rate)








Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question.

The dilution rate, D is defined as(where F = volumetric flow rate, VR = total volume of culture in the reactor and μ specific growth rate) Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

An open system in which the growth rate is maintained by adding a nutrient (present in limiting quantities) at the same rate as that medium containing micro-organisms is removed is called

Question: An open system in which the growth rate is maintained by adding a nutrient (present in limiting quantities) at the same rate as that medium containing micro-organisms is removed is called








Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

An open system in which the growth rate is maintained by adding a nutrient (present in limiting quantities) at the same rate as that medium containing micro-organisms is removed is called Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics