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Fermentation Kinetics

When intracellular enzymes of whole cells are to be used in a bio-conversion process, it is often necessary to____________the cells.

Question: When intracellular enzymes of whole cells are to be used in a bio-conversion process, it is often necessary to____________the cells.








Answer: Option A


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When intracellular enzymes of whole cells are to be used in a bio-conversion process, it is often necessary to____________the cells. Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

An open system in which the growth rate is maintained by the removal and addition of media at such a rate as to maintain a constant cell density is called a

Question: An open system in which the growth rate is maintained by the removal and addition of media at such a rate as to maintain a constant cell density is called a








Answer: Option C


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An open system in which the growth rate is maintained by the removal and addition of media at such a rate as to maintain a constant cell density is called a Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Heat transfer rates (per unit volume) will be lowest in

Question: Heat transfer rates (per unit volume) will be lowest in

Stirred tank bioreactor with biomass recycle


Continuous air lift bioreactor


Continuous packed bed reactor


Continuous fluidized bed bioreactor

Answer: Option C


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Heat transfer rates (per unit volume) will be lowest in Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics

Which of the following is incorrect?

Question: Which of the following is incorrect?

The mechanical agitation and aeration are effective for suspension of cells


The mechanical agitation and aeration are effective for mixing the medium


STF can’t be used for high viscosity medium


The mechanical agitation and aeration are effective for oxygenation

Answer: Option C


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Which of the following is incorrect? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Fermentation Kinetics