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Evolutionary Socialism

Marx’s theory of surplus value holds that:

Marx’s theory of surplus value holds that:

A. Labour must be paid minimum wages irrespective of the quantum of goods produced and the profit be passed on to the state
B. The labourers be paid fixed salary and all the profits earned should be used for social good
C. There is difference between what a labourer produces and what he is paid. This difference is known as surplus value and is pocketed by the capitalists.
D. None of the above

Marx’s theory of surplus value holds that: Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

According to Marx a revolution in the Capitalist society takes place:

According to Marx a revolution in the Capitalist society takes place:

A. Due to foreign interference
B. Due to increasing importance of political elites
C. Due to growing antagonism between the haves and have-notes
D. Because of dissatisfaction of the educated people with the system

According to Marx a revolution in the Capitalist society takes place: Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

Marx has given numerous causes which will lead to the overthrow of capitalism. Some of the causes are given below. However one of the causes listed is not

Marx has given numerous causes which will lead to the overthrow of capitalism. Some of the causes are given below. However one of the causes listed is not

A. Capitalism concentrates large
B. Capitalism reduces the purchasing capacity of workers by paying them lowest wages
C. Capitalism concentrates the capital in the hands of fewer persons and pushes the smaller capitalists in the rank of working classes
D. Capitalism frees the workers from economic worries and thus makes it possible for them to wage a strong struggle against capitalism

Marx has given numerous causes which will lead to the overthrow of capitalism. Some of the causes are given below. However one of the causes listed is not Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

According to Marx during the dictatorship of proletariat:

According to Marx during the dictatorship of proletariat:

A. The state shall be used to safeguard interest of the capitalist
B. The state should be used to safeguard the interests of the working classes
C. The states whall try to bring about reconciliation between the Capitalists and working classes
D. The state shall not exist

According to Marx during the dictatorship of proletariat: Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

Marx held that in the Communist Society the:

Marx held that in the Communist Society the:

A. Bourgeois will dominate the proletariat
B. The proletariat will dominate the bourgeois
C. The spheres of the bourgeois and proletariat will be clearly demarcated and none will dominate the other
D. Distinction between bourgeois and proletariat shall not exist

Marx held that in the Communist Society the: Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following criticism against Marxism has been wrongly listed?

Which one of the following criticism against Marxism has been wrongly listed?

A. It attaches too much importance to the religious factor in the interpretation of history
B. It attaches too much importance to the materialistic factor in interpretation of history
C. It wrongly asserts that the value of goods is determined by labour alone
D. It wrongly considers the state as an instrument of oppression

Which one of the following criticism against Marxism has been wrongly listed? Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs