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Evolutionary Socialism

According to State Socialists all changes in the existing order should be brought about:

According to State Socialists all changes in the existing order should be brought about:

A. With the use of force
B. Violence should be used when necessary
C. By terrorism
D. By creating law and order problems
E. With the help of parliamentary institutions

According to State Socialists all changes in the existing order should be brought about: Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

Point out which one of the following is not true about Jean Jaures?

Point out which one of the following is not true about Jean Jaures?

A. Revolution was justified in the absence of democracy
B. General strike should be first step towards revolution
C. It was not correct that present state assisted the capitalists only
D. That the state should immediately be overthrown

Point out which one of the following is not true about Jean Jaures? Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following is not true about workers in Bernstein’s philosophy?

Which one of the following is not true about workers in Bernstein’s philosophy?

A. They have no fatherland
B. They have share in the making of their Governments
C. They can participate in development of national wealth
D. They have a fatherland

Which one of the following is not true about workers in Bernstein’s philosophy? Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following is not true about Sidney Webb?

Which one of the following is not true about Sidney Webb?

A. Revolution was no solution to problems
B. History demonstrated progress of democracy
C. Revolution was likely to being social upheavals
D. Changes could come only with the help of revolution
E. State was instrument of exploitation

Which one of the following is not true about Sidney Webb? Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs