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Evolutionary Socialism

Fabians believed that for social welfare it was essential that means of production should be in the hands of:

Fabians believed that for social welfare it was essential that means of production should be in the hands of:

A. Consumers
B. Producers
C. Capitalists
D. Workers
E. Society as a whole

Fabians believed that for social welfare it was essential that means of production should be in the hands of: Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

Which of the following is not true about ‘Joad’s views about Democratic Socialism?

Which of the following is not true about ‘Joad’s views about Democratic Socialism?

A. They believe in Central State
B. They believe that state will work for collective welfare
C. They believe in non-bureaucratic state
D. They imagine state will protect the interests of the governed

Which of the following is not true about ‘Joad’s views about Democratic Socialism? Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

Which one of the following is not correct views of C.E.M. Joad about Democratic Socialism?

Which one of the following is not correct views of C.E.M. Joad about Democratic Socialism?

A. It was a social theory
B. It was political philosophy
C. It was political viewpoint
D. It was set of economic principles
E. It was a vague philosophy

Which one of the following is not correct views of C.E.M. Joad about Democratic Socialism? Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs

State Socialists believe that changes in the present institution of state can be brought about effectively with the help of:

State Socialists believe that changes in the present institution of state can be brought about effectively with the help of:

A. Revolution
B. Church
C. Elites of society
D. Spread of education propaganda

State Socialists believe that changes in the present institution of state can be brought about effectively with the help of: Read More »

Evolutionary Socialism, Political Science Mcqs