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Everyday Science Mcqs

By which hormone High Blood Sugar level can be controlled in stomach?

By which hormone High Blood Sugar level can be controlled in stomach?

A. Glucose
B. Insulin
C. Thyroxin
D. Non-Aefreen

A person with diabetes being injected with insulin to regulate their blood sugar levels. Insulin is a hormone made by an organ located behind the stomach called the pancreas. There are specialised areas within the pancreas called islets of Langerhans (the term insulin comes from the Latin insula that means island).

By which hormone High Blood Sugar level can be controlled in stomach? Read More »

Everyday Science Mcqs

To which of the following chambers of the heart, is the aorta connected?

To which of the following chambers of the heart, is the aorta connected?

A. Left ventricle
B. Right ventricle
C. Right auricle
D. Left auricle

The aorta begins at the top of the left ventricle, the heart’s muscular pumg chamber. The heart pumps blood from the left ventricle into the aorta through the aortic valve

To which of the following chambers of the heart, is the aorta connected? Read More »

Everyday Science Mcqs

Blood is cleaned by __________?

Blood is cleaned by __________?

A. Lungs
B. Liver
C. Heart
D. Kidneys
The kidneys act as filters for your body. Their job is to remove toxins or waste products from your blood. If toxins build up in your blood, you will eventually die.
Other jobs performed by the kidneys:
They keep the right amount of water in the body. They balance vitamins and minerals including sodium potassium and phosphorus. They make sure the acid level in the blood is correct. Your kidneys also help control your blood pressure. Blood is cleaned by kidneys

Blood is cleaned by __________? Read More »

Everyday Science Mcqs