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Everyday Science Mcqs

The ________ system is the closest star system to our sun.?

The ________ system is the closest star system to our sun.?

A. Promixa Centauri
B. Alpha Centauri
C. Red proxima Centauri
D. None of these

The Alpha Centauri system is the closest star system to our sun. On our sky’s dome, we see this multiple system as a single star and the third-brightest star visible from Earth. Alpha Centauri is part of a double, or triple, star system. The two main components are Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B.

The ________ system is the closest star system to our sun.? Read More »

Everyday Science Mcqs

Red color of tomato is due to___________?

Red color of tomato is due to___________?A. Anthocyanin
B. Xanthophyll’s
C. Lycopene
D. None of these

Lycopene is the red pigment responsible for the color of tomatoes. The color of tomato turns to red from green during ripening. This red color of the fruit is provided by the carotenoid pigment lycopene that gives appearance to the fruit and one of the most important attribute of the tomato fruit.


Red color of tomato is due to___________? Read More »

Everyday Science Mcqs

vitamin D is chemically know as_________ ?

vitamin D is chemically know as_________ ?

A. Retinol
B. Calciferol
C. Tocopherol
D. None of these.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, found naturally in every few foods. The term vitamin D refers to a family of compounds that are derived from cholesterol. There are two major forms of vitamin D: vitamin D2, found in plants and better known as ergocalciferol (or calciferol), and vitamin D3, found in animal tissues and often referred to as cholecalciferol.

vitamin D is chemically know as_________ ? Read More »

Everyday Science Mcqs

Which of the following is the flightless bird?

Which of the following is the flightless bird?

A. Pavo cristatus
B. kakapo
C. Passer
D. None of these

The kakapo, also called owl parrot, is a species of large, flightless, nocturnal, ground-dwelling parrot of the super-family Strigopoidea, endemic to New Zealand. It has finely blotched yellow-green plumage, a distinct facial disc, a large grey beak, short legs, large feet, and relatively short wings and tail.
Some other flightless birds you might  know are. Emu, dodo, emperor penguin,  little penguin & common ostrich.

Which of the following is the flightless bird? Read More »

Everyday Science Mcqs