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Enzymes And Kinetics

The Woolf-Augusteinsson-Hofstee plot of ν versus ν/[S] and the Eadie-Scatchard plot of ν/[S] versus ν do not involve reciprocals of ν therefore are considered to be more reliable when the error in v is

Question: The Woolf-Augusteinsson-Hofstee plot of ν versus ν/[S] and the Eadie-Scatchard plot of ν/[S] versus ν do not involve reciprocals of ν therefore are considered to be more reliable when the error in v is





nothing to do with the reliability


non significant in selected cases

Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

The Woolf-Augusteinsson-Hofstee plot of ν versus ν/[S] and the Eadie-Scatchard plot of ν/[S] versus ν do not involve reciprocals of ν therefore are considered to be more reliable when the error in v is Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

An enzyme is assayed at an initial substrate concentration of 2 x 10-5M. In 6 minute, half of the substrate is used. The Km for the substrate is 2 x 10-3M. The value of k in minute is

Question: An enzyme is assayed at an initial substrate concentration of 2 x 10-5M. In 6 minute, half of the substrate is used. The Km for the substrate is 2 x 10-3M. The value of k in minute is








Answer: Option A


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An enzyme is assayed at an initial substrate concentration of 2 x 10-5M. In 6 minute, half of the substrate is used. The Km for the substrate is 2 x 10-3M. The value of k in minute is Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

The usual method(s) to solve rate equation of simple enzyme kinetics is/are

Question: The usual method(s) to solve rate equation of simple enzyme kinetics is/are

Michaelis Menten approach


Briggs-Haldane approach


Numerical solution approach


all of these

Answer: Option D


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The usual method(s) to solve rate equation of simple enzyme kinetics is/are Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

Which of the following statements is true for enzymatically catalyzed reaction?

Question: Which of the following statements is true for enzymatically catalyzed reaction?

The activation energy of the reaction is lowered so that a larger proportion of the substrate qualifies to overcome it


Additional substrate molecules are energized to overcome the activation energy of the reaction


The activation energy of the reaction is increased, thus decreasing the likelihood that any substrate molecules will overcome it


The activation energy of the reaction is lowered so that a fewer substrate molecules can overcome it

Answer: Option A


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Which of the following statements is true for enzymatically catalyzed reaction? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

Which of the following step is assumed to be the slowest step in the Michaelis Menten equation?

Question: Which of the following step is assumed to be the slowest step in the Michaelis Menten equation?

The substrate consuming step


The product releasing step


Formation of enzyme substrate complex


None of these

Answer: Option B


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Which of the following step is assumed to be the slowest step in the Michaelis Menten equation? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

For an enzyme that displays Michaelis-Menten kinetics, the reaction velocity (as a fraction of Vmax) observed at [S] = 2 KM will be

Question: For an enzyme that displays Michaelis-Menten kinetics, the reaction velocity (as a fraction of Vmax) observed at [S] = 2 KM will be








Answer: Option C


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For an enzyme that displays Michaelis-Menten kinetics, the reaction velocity (as a fraction of Vmax) observed at [S] = 2 KM will be Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

Given an enzyme with a Km = 10m M and Vmax = 100 m mol/min. If [S] = 100 m M, which of the following will be true?

Question: Given an enzyme with a Km = 10m M and Vmax = 100 m mol/min. If [S] = 100 m M, which of the following will be true?

A 10 fold increase in Vmax would increase velocity 10 fold y


A 10 fold decrease in Km would increase velocity


Both (a) and (b)


A 10 fold increase in Vmax would decrease velocity 20 fold

Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question.

Given an enzyme with a Km = 10m M and Vmax = 100 m mol/min. If [S] = 100 m M, which of the following will be true? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics