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Enzymes And Kinetics

The active site of an enzyme differs from an antibody-antigen binding site in that the enzyme active site

Question: The active site of an enzyme differs from an antibody-antigen binding site in that the enzyme active site

contains modified amino acids


catalyzes a chemical reaction


is complementary to a specific ligand


contains amino acids without side chains

Answer: Option B


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The active site of an enzyme differs from an antibody-antigen binding site in that the enzyme active site Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

When substrate [S] = KM (Michaelis-Menten constant), the velocity of an enzyme catalyzed reaction is about

Question: When substrate [S] = KM (Michaelis-Menten constant), the velocity of an enzyme catalyzed reaction is about

0.1 * Vmax


0.2 * Vmax


0.5 * Vmax


0.9 * Vmax

Answer: Option C


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When substrate [S] = KM (Michaelis-Menten constant), the velocity of an enzyme catalyzed reaction is about Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

An enzyme and a reactant molecule maintain relationship as

Question: An enzyme and a reactant molecule maintain relationship as

a temporary association


an association stabilized by a covalent bond


one in which the enzyme is changed permanently


non complementary binding

Answer: Option A


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An enzyme and a reactant molecule maintain relationship as Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

An enzyme has a Km of 4.7 x 10-5M. If the Vmax of the preparation is 22m moles liter-1 min-1, what velocity would be observed in the presence of 2.0 x 10-4M substrate and 5.0 x 10-5M of a competitive inhibitor?

Question: An enzyme has a Km of 4.7 x 10-5M. If the Vmax of the preparation is 22m moles liter-1 min-1, what velocity would be observed in the presence of 2.0 x 10-4M substrate and 5.0 x 10-5M of a competitive inhibitor?

13.54μ moles liter-1min-1


6.68μ moles liter-1min-1


7.57μ moles liter-1min-1


17.8μ moles liter-1min-1

Answer: Option A


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An enzyme has a Km of 4.7 x 10-5M. If the Vmax of the preparation is 22m moles liter-1 min-1, what velocity would be observed in the presence of 2.0 x 10-4M substrate and 5.0 x 10-5M of a competitive inhibitor? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

Predominantly uncompetitive inhibition may be called when

Question: Predominantly uncompetitive inhibition may be called when

competitive inhibition is greater than uncompetitive inhibition


competitive inhibition is smaller than uncompetitive inhibition


competitive inhibition is equal to uncompetitive inhibition


none of the above

Answer: Option A


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Predominantly uncompetitive inhibition may be called when Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

The rate equation in non-competitive inhibition based on Michaelis Menten equation is given by

Question: The rate equation in non-competitive inhibition based on Michaelis Menten equation is given by

rmaxS/(Km + S)(1+I/Ki)


rmaxE/(Km (1+I/Ki)+S))


VmaxS/(Km + S)(1+I/Ki)



Answer: Option A


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The rate equation in non-competitive inhibition based on Michaelis Menten equation is given by Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

The rate equation in competitive inhibition based on Michaelis Menten equation is given by

Question: The rate equation in competitive inhibition based on Michaelis Menten equation is given by

rmaxS/(Km (1+I/Ki)+S))


rmaxE/(Km (1+I/Ki)+S))


rmaxI/(Km (1+I/Ki)+S))


rmaxS/(Km (1+I/Ki))

Answer: Option A


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The rate equation in competitive inhibition based on Michaelis Menten equation is given by Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics

If a reaction occurs in the absence of inhibitor with rate ν0 and in the presence of inhibitor with rate νi, the degree of inhibition is defined as

Question: If a reaction occurs in the absence of inhibitor with rate ν0 and in the presence of inhibitor with rate νi, the degree of inhibition is defined as

(ν0 – νi)/ν0


(ν0 + νi)/ν0





Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question.

If a reaction occurs in the absence of inhibitor with rate ν0 and in the presence of inhibitor with rate νi, the degree of inhibition is defined as Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Kinetics