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Enzymes And Application

Which of the following enzyme is responsible for causing vitamin B deficiency disease beriberi?

Question: Which of the following enzyme is responsible for causing vitamin B deficiency disease beriberi?

Ascorbic acid oxidase






None of these

Answer: Option B


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Which of the following enzyme is responsible for causing vitamin B deficiency disease beriberi? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Application

Which of the enzyme combination is commercially used for the removal of oxygen?

Question: Which of the enzyme combination is commercially used for the removal of oxygen?

Glucose oxidase-cellulase


Glucose oxidase-catalase


Glucose oxidase-lactase


All of these

Answer: Option B


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Which of the enzyme combination is commercially used for the removal of oxygen? Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Application


Question: Lysozyme

catalyses hydrolysis of β-1-4 linkages between N-acetyl muranic acid and N-acetyl glucosamine in peptideoglycan


catalyses hydrolysis of α-1-4 linkages between N-acetyl muranic acid and N-acetyl glucosamine in peptideoglycan


catalyses hydrolysis of α-1-4 linkages between N-diacetyl muranic acid and N-diacetyl glucosamine in peptideoglycan


all of the above

Answer: Option A


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Lysozyme Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Enzymes And Application