Which historical figure initiated a series of religious persecutions condemning Protestants as heretics and burning them at the stake in the 1550s ?
A. Archbishop Cranmer
B. Catherine of Aragon
C. Elizabeth I
D. Mary Tudor
A. Archbishop Cranmer
B. Catherine of Aragon
C. Elizabeth I
D. Mary Tudor
A. a magical power whereby poetry plays tricks on the reader
B. a divine power whereby poetry transmits a message from God to the reader
C. a moral power whereby poetry encourages the reader to emulate virtuous models
D. a defensive power whereby poetry and its figurative expressions allow the poet to avoid censorship
In the Defense of Poesy, what did Sidney attribute to poetry ? Read More »
English Literature Mcqs A. Anne Boleyn
B. Martin Luther
C. Pope Leo X
D. Ulrich Zwingli
A. Elizabeth Eisenstein
B. Johannes Gutenberg
C. Henry VIII
D. William Caxton
Who introduced the art of printing into England ? Read More »
English Literature Mcqs A. They relied on admission charges, an innovation of the period.
B. The early versions were oval in shape.
C. They were located outside the city limits of London.
D. all of the above
Which of the following is true about public theaters in Elizabethan England ? Read More »
English Literature Mcqs A. ignominy
B. unwarranted abuse
C. odium
D. love
A. Tudor
B. Windsor
C. York
D. Lancaster
A. Atheism
B. Protestantism
C. Catholicism
D. Ancestor-worship
What was the only acknowledged religion in England during the early sixteenth century ? Read More »
English Literature Mcqs A. manifest destiny
B. extreme unction
C. royal absolutism
D. constitutional monarchism
A. the patron of the acting company, eg, the Lord Chamberlain
B. the bishop of London
C. the printer
D. the acting company
Who owned the rights to a theatrical script ? Read More »
English Literature Mcqs