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English Literature Mcqs

Which historical figure initiated a series of religious persecutions condemning Protestants as heretics and burning them at the stake in the 1550s ?

Which historical figure initiated a series of religious persecutions condemning Protestants as heretics and burning them at the stake in the 1550s ?

A. Archbishop Cranmer
B. Catherine of Aragon
C. Elizabeth I
D. Mary Tudor

Which historical figure initiated a series of religious persecutions condemning Protestants as heretics and burning them at the stake in the 1550s ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs

In the Defense of Poesy, what did Sidney attribute to poetry ?

In the Defense of Poesy, what did Sidney attribute to poetry ?

A. a magical power whereby poetry plays tricks on the reader
B. a divine power whereby poetry transmits a message from God to the reader
C. a moral power whereby poetry encourages the reader to emulate virtuous models
D. a defensive power whereby poetry and its figurative expressions allow the poet to avoid censorship

In the Defense of Poesy, what did Sidney attribute to poetry ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs

Who began to ignite the embers of dissent against the Catholic church in November 1517 in a movement that came to be known as the Reformation ?

Who began to ignite the embers of dissent against the Catholic church in November 1517 in a movement that came to be known as the Reformation ?

A. Anne Boleyn
B. Martin Luther
C. Pope Leo X
D. Ulrich Zwingli

Who began to ignite the embers of dissent against the Catholic church in November 1517 in a movement that came to be known as the Reformation ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs

Expressed in Elizabethan poetry as well as court rituals and events, a cult of_________formed around Elizabeth and dictated the nature of relations between herself and her court ?

Expressed in Elizabethan poetry as well as court rituals and events, a cult of_________formed around Elizabeth and dictated the nature of relations between herself and her court ?

A. ignominy
B. unwarranted abuse
C. odium
D. love

Expressed in Elizabethan poetry as well as court rituals and events, a cult of_________formed around Elizabeth and dictated the nature of relations between herself and her court ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs

Which royal dynasty was established in the resolution of the so-called War of the Roses and continued through the reign of Elizabeth I ?

Which royal dynasty was established in the resolution of the so-called War of the Roses and continued through the reign of Elizabeth I ?

A. Tudor
B. Windsor
C. York
D. Lancaster

Which royal dynasty was established in the resolution of the so-called War of the Roses and continued through the reign of Elizabeth I ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs