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English Literature Mcqs

What was one of the first acts of Parliament after the outbreak of hostilities in the First Civil War ?

What was one of the first acts of Parliament after the outbreak of hostilities in the First Civil War ?

A. the abolishment of public plays and sports
B. the conversion of the English church to Catholicism
C. the adoption of English as the official language
D. the consolidation of power in an absolute monarch

What was one of the first acts of Parliament after the outbreak of hostilities in the First Civil War ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

What historical figure promoted the rapid growth of a high Anglican faction within the church whose ceremony, ritual, and doctrine more closely resembled Roman Catholicism ?

What historical figure promoted the rapid growth of a high Anglican faction within the church whose ceremony, ritual, and doctrine more closely resembled Roman Catholicism ?

A. William Collins
B. William Laud
C. William Shakespeare
D. William Tyndale

What historical figure promoted the rapid growth of a high Anglican faction within the church whose ceremony, ritual, and doctrine more closely resembled Roman Catholicism ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

What was the tile of Thomas Hobbes’s defense of absolute sovereignty based on a theory of social contract ?

What was the tile of Thomas Hobbes’s defense of absolute sovereignty based on a theory of social contract ?

A. The Litany in a Time of Plague
B. Utopia
C. Leviathan
D. The Advancement of Learning

What was the tile of Thomas Hobbes’s defense of absolute sovereignty based on a theory of social contract ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

What was the general subject of theWelsh poet Katherine Philips’s work ?

What was the general subject of theWelsh poet Katherine Philips’s work ?

A. celebrations of the transience of all life and beauty
B. celebrations of lesbian sexuality in terms that did not imply a male readership
C. celebrations of religious ecstasy and divine inspiration
D. celebrations of female friendship in Platonic terms normally reserved for male Friendships

What was the general subject of theWelsh poet Katherine Philips’s work ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

What impulse probably accounts for the rise of distinguished translations of works, such as Homer’s lliad and Odyssey, into English during the sixteenth century ?

What impulse probably accounts for the rise of distinguished translations of works, such as Homer’s lliad and Odyssey, into English during the sixteenth century ?

A. human reverence for the classics
B. the belief that the English were direct descendants of the ancient Greeks
C. pride for the vernacular language
D. a and c only

What impulse probably accounts for the rise of distinguished translations of works, such as Homer’s lliad and Odyssey, into English during the sixteenth century ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs