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English Literature Mcqs

Which of the following colonial ventures took place in the reign of James I (1603-25) ?

Which of the following colonial ventures took place in the reign of James I (1603-25) ?

A. the founding of the Jamestown settlement
B. the founding of the Plymouth colony
C. Henry Hudson’s fruitless search for the Northwest Passage
D. all of the above

Which of the following colonial ventures took place in the reign of James I (1603-25) ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

Which religious radical advocated the civic toleration of all religions, including Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam ?

Which religious radical advocated the civic toleration of all religions, including Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam ?

A. John Lilburne
B. William Laud
C. Roger Williams
D. Oliver Cromwell

Which religious radical advocated the civic toleration of all religions, including Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

Which of the following was not an expressed objective of the Long Parliament when it convened in 1640 ?

Which of the following was not an expressed objective of the Long Parliament when it convened in 1640 ?

A. abolishing extra-legal taxes and courts
B. mounting a revolution and executing the king
C. bringing to trial the king’s hated ministers, Strafford and Laud
D. remaining in session until they themselves agreed to disband

Which of the following was not an expressed objective of the Long Parliament when it convened in 1640 ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

The idea that God predestines human beings to be saved or damned is associated with which Protestant reformer ?

The idea that God predestines human beings to be saved or damned is associated with which Protestant reformer ?

A. Martin Luther
B. John Calvin
C. Henry VIII
D. Arminius

The idea that God predestines human beings to be saved or damned is associated with which Protestant reformer ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

Which of the following themes or subjects was not common in the works of Cavalier poets, such as Thomas Carew, Sir John Denham, Edmund Walter, Sir John Suckling, James Shirely, Richard Lovelace, and Robert Herrick ?

Which of the following themes or subjects was not common in the works of Cavalier poets, such as Thomas Carew, Sir John Denham, Edmund Walter, Sir John Suckling, James Shirely, Richard Lovelace, and Robert Herrick ?

A. courtly ideals of the good life
B. carpe diem
C. loyalty to the king
D. pious devotion to religious virtues

Which of the following themes or subjects was not common in the works of Cavalier poets, such as Thomas Carew, Sir John Denham, Edmund Walter, Sir John Suckling, James Shirely, Richard Lovelace, and Robert Herrick ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

Which poem testifies to the profound doubts and uncertainties attending Donne’s conversion from Catholicism to Protestantism ?

Which poem testifies to the profound doubts and uncertainties attending Donne’s conversion from Catholicism to Protestantism ?

A. Air and Angels
B. Satire 3
C. The Apparition
D. The Indifferent

Which poem testifies to the profound doubts and uncertainties attending Donne’s conversion from Catholicism to Protestantism ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs