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English Literature Mcqs

Which of the following was not a cause associated with militant Protestant reformers (Puritans, Presbyterians, and separatists) ?

Which of the following was not a cause associated with militant Protestant reformers (Puritans, Presbyterians, and separatists) ?

A. the pursuit of a more confrontational policy towards Catholic powers
B. the elimination of bishops
C. the right of congregations to choose their own leaders
D. the wider use of religious images in churches

Which of the following was not a cause associated with militant Protestant reformers (Puritans, Presbyterians, and separatists) ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

Which of the following female authors of the Jacobean era wrote a work that became the firstof its kind to be published by an English woman ?

Which of the following female authors of the Jacobean era wrote a work that became the firstof its kind to be published by an English woman ?

A. Rachel Speght
B. Aemilia Lanyer
C. Elizabeth Cary, Lady Falkland
D. all of the above

Which of the following female authors of the Jacobean era wrote a work that became the firstof its kind to be published by an English woman ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

Restored to the throne in 1660, Charles II ruled_______________?

Restored to the throne in 1660, Charles II ruled_______________?

A. with an absolute prerogative his father would have envied.
B. through a system of draconian military courts.
C. with deference to Parliament’s legislative supremacy.
D. only a small area around London and Oxford.

Restored to the throne in 1660, Charles II ruled_______________? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

Which of the following did Milton not advocate in print in the 1640s and 1650s ?

Which of the following did Milton not advocate in print in the 1640s and 1650s ?

A. the disestablishment of the church and the removal of bishops
B. the right of the people to dismiss and even execute their rulers
C. the free circulation of ideas without prior censorship
D. the restoration of the monarchy

Which of the following did Milton not advocate in print in the 1640s and 1650s ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs

What is the delicate balancing act of Marvell’sHoratian Ode ?

What is the delicate balancing act of Marvell’sHoratian Ode ?

A. praising Roman virtues whilst endorsing Christian beliefs
B. praising feminine virtue whilst mocking the fixation on chastity
C. celebrating Cromwell’s victories whilst inviting sympathy for the executed king
D. celebrating the Restoration whilst regretting the frivolity of the new regime

What is the delicate balancing act of Marvell’sHoratian Ode ? Read More »

Early 17th Century, English Literature Mcqs