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English Literature Mcqs

In the 1930s, younger writers such as W. H. Auden were more_____________ but less __________than older modernists such as Eliot and Pound.

In the 1930s, younger writers such as W. H. Auden were more_____________ but less __________than older modernists such as Eliot and Pound.

A. popular; reverenced
B. brash; confident
C. radical; inventive
D. anxious; haunting

In the 1930s, younger writers such as W. H. Auden were more_____________ but less __________than older modernists such as Eliot and Pound. Read More »

English Literature Mcqs

Which thinker had a major impact on early-twentieth-century writers, leading them to reimagine human identity in radically new ways?

Which thinker had a major impact on early-twentieth-century writers, leading them to reimagine human identity in radically new ways?

A. Sigmund Freud
B. Sir James Frazer
C. Immanuel Kant
D. all but C

Which thinker had a major impact on early-twentieth-century writers, leading them to reimagine human identity in radically new ways? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs

What characteristics of seventeenth century Metaphysical poetry sparked the enthusiasm of modernist poets and critics ?

What characteristics of seventeenth century Metaphysical poetry sparked the enthusiasm of modernist poets and critics ?

A. its intellectual complexity
B. its union of thought and passion
C. its uncompromising engagement with politics
D. A and B

What characteristics of seventeenth century Metaphysical poetry sparked the enthusiasm of modernist poets and critics ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs

Which novel did T. S. Eliot praise for utilizing a new “mythical method” in place of the old “narrative method” and demonstrates the use of ancient mythology in modernist fiction to think about “making the modern world possible for art” ?

Which novel did T. S. Eliot praise for utilizing a new “mythical method” in place of the old “narrative method” and demonstrates the use of ancient mythology in modernist fiction to think about “making the modern world possible for art” ?

A. Virginia Woolf’s The Waves
B. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
C. James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake
D. James Joyce’s Ulysses

Which novel did T. S. Eliot praise for utilizing a new “mythical method” in place of the old “narrative method” and demonstrates the use of ancient mythology in modernist fiction to think about “making the modern world possible for art” ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs

Which events in and after the 1960s contributed significantly to the decentralization of England from London to a more regional focus, ultimately also making way for a less homogenous vision of England and the popularity of postcolonial fiction ?

Which events in and after the 1960s contributed significantly to the decentralization of England from London to a more regional focus, ultimately also making way for a less homogenous vision of England and the popularity of postcolonial fiction ?

A. Radio announcers were permitted to speak in regional dialects and multicultural accents.
B. The Arts Council designated many of its resources to supporting regional arts councils.
C. Regional radio and television stations appeared throughout the country.
D. all of the above

Which events in and after the 1960s contributed significantly to the decentralization of England from London to a more regional focus, ultimately also making way for a less homogenous vision of England and the popularity of postcolonial fiction ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs

Which of the following would be considered postcolonial novelists, defined as coming historically after the era of England’s large-scale imperialism ?

Which of the following would be considered postcolonial novelists, defined as coming historically after the era of England’s large-scale imperialism ?

A. Salman Rushdie
B. Joseph Conrad
C. Rabindranath Tagore
D. John Ruskin

Which of the following would be considered postcolonial novelists, defined as coming historically after the era of England’s large-scale imperialism ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs

Which best describes the imagist movement, exemplified in the work of T. E. Hulme and Ezra Pound ?

Which best describes the imagist movement, exemplified in the work of T. E. Hulme and Ezra Pound ?

A. a poetic aesthetic vainly concerned with the way words appear on the page
B. an effort to rid poetry of romantic fuzziness and facile emotionalism, replacing it with a precision and clarity of imagery
C. an attention to alternate states of consciousness and uncanny imagery
D. the resurrection of Romantic poetic sensibility

Which best describes the imagist movement, exemplified in the work of T. E. Hulme and Ezra Pound ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs