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English Literature Mcqs

Yeats’s “Song of Wandering Aengus” ends with the lines: “And pluck till time and times are done/The silver apples of the moon/The golden apples of the sun.” Which of the following is NOT a symbolic meaning of the apples ?

Yeats’s “Song of Wandering Aengus” ends with the lines: “And pluck till time and times are done/The silver apples of the moon/The golden apples of the sun.” Which of the following is NOT a symbolic meaning of the apples ?

A. They symbolize the return to a lost paradise.
B. They point to alchemical elements, which in turn symbolize the body and the soul.
C. They symbolize the coming apocalypse.
D. They symbolize a fulfilled longing.

Yeats’s “Song of Wandering Aengus” ends with the lines: “And pluck till time and times are done/The silver apples of the moon/The golden apples of the sun.” Which of the following is NOT a symbolic meaning of the apples ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Which of the following statements best expresses the difference between how visual images functioned in World War I poetry and Imagist poetry ?

Which of the following statements best expresses the difference between how visual images functioned in World War I poetry and Imagist poetry ?

A. There were no significant differences in the functioning of visual images in these two types of poetry.
B. The Imagists relied on visual images to achieve clarity of expression, whereas World War I poets relied on visual images to subtly punctuate their often desperate political messages.
C. The Imagists valued brevity, which could be achieved with precise visual images, whereasWorldWar I poets preferred declamatory statements in their poems.
D. WorldWar I poets valued clarity of expression through visual images, whereas Imagists relied on complex expression through emotional visual images.

Which of the following statements best expresses the difference between how visual images functioned in World War I poetry and Imagist poetry ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Ezra Pound’s “Cantos” may be called a modernist epic, though its form ultimately defies classification. Pound’s poem alludes to which of the following epic poems ?

Ezra Pound’s “Cantos” may be called a modernist epic, though its form ultimately defies classification. Pound’s poem alludes to which of the following epic poems ?

A. The Mahabharata
B. Paradise Lost
C. The Odyssey
D. The Aeneid

Ezra Pound’s “Cantos” may be called a modernist epic, though its form ultimately defies classification. Pound’s poem alludes to which of the following epic poems ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Which of the following statements does NOT characterize the poet e. e. cummings ?

Which of the following statements does NOT characterize the poet e. e. cummings ?

A. Ivy League educated
B. Active pacifist during both world wars
C. Popularized the use of free verse
D. A private and self-effacing person

Which of the following statements does NOT characterize the poet e. e. cummings ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Ezra Pound’s poem “In a Station of the Metro” reads: “The apparition of these faces in the crowd;/ Petals on a wet, black bough.” Which of the following statements best characterizes this poem ?

Ezra Pound’s poem “In a Station of the Metro” reads: “The apparition of these faces in the crowd;/ Petals on a wet, black bough.” Which of the following statements best characterizes this poem ?

A. It seeks to diminish the distance between society and nature.
B. It seeks to amplify the distance between society and nature.
C. It plays with the relationship between the social, natural, and supernatural worlds.
D. It evokes the beauty of a pastoral scene.

Ezra Pound’s poem “In a Station of the Metro” reads: “The apparition of these faces in the crowd;/ Petals on a wet, black bough.” Which of the following statements best characterizes this poem ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Which of the following statements best characterizes American World War II poems ?

Which of the following statements best characterizes American World War II poems ?

A. They tend to use traditional rhyme schemes and rhythms, and they avoid free verse.
B. They tend to use metaphors and avoid direct descriptive statements.
C. They tend to use classical imagery while rejecting romantic tropes.
D. They tend to be narrative and confront the reader with stark wartime realities.

Which of the following statements best characterizes American World War II poems ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Which of the following natural forces “speaks” in the culminating passage of T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” ?

Which of the following natural forces “speaks” in the culminating passage of T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” ?

A. An avalanche
B. Rapids
C. The west wind
D. Thunder

Which of the following natural forces “speaks” in the culminating passage of T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

What is the central theme of Keith Douglas’s “How to Kill” ?

What is the central theme of Keith Douglas’s “How to Kill” ?

A. Combat detaches a man from humanity.
B. All is fair in love and war.
C. It is honorable and just to defend your country in a war.
D. There is a right and a wrong way to throw a hand grenade.

What is the central theme of Keith Douglas’s “How to Kill” ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics