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English Literature Mcqs

Which of the following phrases best describes the central goal of Imagist poets ?

Which of the following phrases best describes the central goal of Imagist poets ?

A. “Emotional power achieved through suggestive visual images”
B. “Exploration of philosophical paradoxes through visual images”
C. “Clarity of expression through the use of precise visual images”
D. “Inclusion of natural objects as symbols”

Which of the following phrases best describes the central goal of Imagist poets ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Many critics see similarities between the tenets of Futurism and which of the following political philosophies ?

Many critics see similarities between the tenets of Futurism and which of the following political philosophies ?

A. Marxism
B. Fascism
C. Democracy
D. Libertarianism

Many critics see similarities between the tenets of Futurism and which of the following political philosophies ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Which of the following features of Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess” make it classifiable as a Victorian poem ?

Which of the following features of Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess” make it classifiable as a Victorian poem ?

A. It has a regular rhyme scheme (aa/bb/cc/dd…), which is sustained throughout the poem.
B. It is primarily a narrative poem.
C. It is concerned with conventional 19thcentury relations between a man and a woman.
D. All of these answers

Which of the following features of Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess” make it classifiable as a Victorian poem ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Complete the following sentence. Matthew Arnold’s poem “Dover Beach” is illustrative of modernist poetry, because it________________?

Complete the following sentence. Matthew Arnold’s poem “Dover Beach” is illustrative of modernist poetry, because it________________?

A. employs free verse.
B. has an undertow of nihilism.
C. is chauvinistic about British “exceptionalism.”
D. was composed between WW I and WW II.

Complete the following sentence. Matthew Arnold’s poem “Dover Beach” is illustrative of modernist poetry, because it________________? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Which of the following statements best characterizes the role played by Gertrude Stein in American modernism ?

Which of the following statements best characterizes the role played by Gertrude Stein in American modernism ?

A. Stein was a crucially important figure in the Paris émigré community.
B. Stein was primarily a muse for modernist poets.
C. Stein was a proponent of low modernism.
D. Stein was an opponent of vanguard trends.

Which of the following statements best characterizes the role played by Gertrude Stein in American modernism ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Which of the following traditions was particularlyimportant in Hart Crane’s modernist poetry ?

Which of the following traditions was particularlyimportant in Hart Crane’s modernist poetry ?

A. French Classicism
B. British Romanticism
C. American Romanticism
D. German Romanticism

Which of the following traditions was particularlyimportant in Hart Crane’s modernist poetry ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

Which of the following statements best characterizes Randall Jarrell’s 1945 poem “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner” ?

Which of the following statements best characterizes Randall Jarrell’s 1945 poem “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner” ?

A. The poem contrasts the image of a child in its mother’s womb with cruel devaluation of human life in wartime.
B. The poem praises those technological achievements which protect human life in wartime.
C. The poem uses images of the apocalypse to criticize the cruelty of war.
D. The poem presents the war as a natural part of the perennial cycles of human history.

Which of the following statements best characterizes Randall Jarrell’s 1945 poem “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner” ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

According to Professor Hammer, which of the following characteristics did Langston Hughes share with modernist poets like William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, Hart Crane, and Robert Frost ?

According to Professor Hammer, which of the following characteristics did Langston Hughes with modernist poets like William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, Hart Crane, and Robert Frost ?

A. Hughes was very conscious that he
was an American poet, and this profoundly influenced his writing.
B. Hughes wrote about the legacy of the American Civil War and its long-term cultural consequences.
C. Hughes introduced new subject-matter and new language into poetry.
D. Both A and C

According to Professor Hammer, which of the following characteristics did Langston Hughes share with modernist poets like William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, Hart Crane, and Robert Frost ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics

WorldWar I drastically changed the political and cultural climate in Europe. Which of the following was NOT among the changes brought about by World War I ?

WorldWar I drastically changed the political and cultural climate in Europe. Which of the following was NOT among the changes brought about by World War I ?

A. Germany was defeated and blamed for causing the war.
B. In the course of World War I, the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia.
C. Successful parliamentary democracies were established throughout the continent and remained stable until the outbreak of World War II in 1939.
D. By the end of the 1920s, almost every state that had participated in World War I faced an economic depression and political upheavals.

WorldWar I drastically changed the political and cultural climate in Europe. Which of the following was NOT among the changes brought about by World War I ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Modern Poetry and Poetics