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English Literature Mcqs

The type of study which focus on the analysis of the systematic interrelation of the elements of a single language at a particular time is called________________?

The type of study which focus on the analysis of the systematic interrelation of the elements of a single language at a particular time is called________________?

A. Synchronic
B. Diachronic
C. Semiotic
D. Onomatopoeic

The type of study which focus on the analysis of the systematic interrelation of the elements of a single language at a particular time is called________________? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics

There is no positive relationship between a speech and sounD. This property of language is referred to as____________ ?

There is no positive relationship between a speech and sounD. This property of language is referred to as____________ ?

A. Arbitrariness.
B. Recursiveness
C. Displacement
D. TransferencE.

There is no positive relationship between a speech and sounD. This property of language is referred to as____________ ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics

It is possible to write down spoken language and read aloud the written material. This property of language is called______________ ?

It is possible to write down spoken language and read aloud the written material. This property of language is called______________ ?

A. Duality of structure
B. Recursiveness
C. Displacement
D. Transference.

It is possible to write down spoken language and read aloud the written material. This property of language is called______________ ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics

Using a finite set of rules a speaker can produce innumerable grammatical utterances. This property of language is called______________?

Using a finite set of rules a speaker can produce innumerable grammatical utterances. This property of language is called______________?

A. Duality of structure
B. Recursiveness
C. Displacement
D. TransferencE

Using a finite set of rules a speaker can produce innumerable grammatical utterances. This property of language is called______________? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics

Words like ‘Buzz’, ‘Hiss’, ‘thud’ etC. which represents the sounds of their referents are known as ___________?

Words like ‘Buzz’, ‘Hiss’, ‘thud’ etC. which represents the sounds of their referents are known as ___________?

A. Onomatopoeia
B. Homophones
C. Homonyms
D. Portmanteau

Words like ‘Buzz’, ‘Hiss’, ‘thud’ etC. which represents the sounds of their referents are known as ___________? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics

The theory which Is based upon the assumption that language has been formed from the words uttered by groups of persons engaged in joint burdensome labour ?

The theory which Is based upon the assumption that language has been formed from the words uttered by groups of persons engaged in joint burdensome labour ?

A. The Yo__He__Ho Theory
B. The Gesture theory
C. The Poo__Pooh theory
D. Ding__Dong theory.

The theory which Is based upon the assumption that language has been formed from the words uttered by groups of persons engaged in joint burdensome labour ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics

The theory which is based on the assumption that language originated in the sense of rhythm innate in man ?

The theory which is based on the assumption that language originated in the sense of rhythm innate in man ?

A. Ding Dong theory
B. The Bow__vow theory
C. The Pooh__pooh theory
D. The Gesture theory

The theory which is based on the assumption that language originated in the sense of rhythm innate in man ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics