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English Literature Mcqs

Which among the following does not constitute the scientific nature of linguistics_____________?

Which among the following does not constitute the scientific nature of linguistics_____________?

A. Systematic gathering and analysis of data
B. Determination of causal relationship between facts
C. Chronological presentation of data
D. Verification, validation and generalization.

Which among the following does not constitute the scientific nature of linguistics_____________? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics

__________________________is the study of how the mentally represented grammar of language is employed in the production and comprehension of speech?

__________________________is the study of how the mentally represented grammar of language is employed in the production and comprehension of speech?

A. Socio__linguistics
B. Psycho__linguistics
C. Neuron__linguistics
D. Physio –linguistics

__________________________is the study of how the mentally represented grammar of language is employed in the production and comprehension of speech? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics

______________refers to the linguistic norm specific to a geographical area, social class or status affecting mutual intelligibility ?

______________refers to the linguistic norm specific to a geographical area, social class or status affecting mutual intelligibility ?

A. Dialect
B. Idiolect
C. Register
D. Slang

______________refers to the linguistic norm specific to a geographical area, social class or status affecting mutual intelligibility ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics

Which among the following implies the underlying rules governing the combination and organization of the elements of language ?

Which among the following implies the underlying rules governing the combination and organization of the elements of language ?

A. Language
B. Parole
C. Competence
D. Both langue and Competence

Which among the following implies the underlying rules governing the combination and organization of the elements of language ? Read More »

English Literature Mcqs, Language and Linguistics