“An Indian’s Looking Glass for the White Man” illustrates what genre of early American writing ?
A. Sermon
B. Autobiography
C. Spiritual diary
D. Biography
A. Sermon
B. Autobiography
C. Spiritual diary
D. Biography
A. Anti-Slavery
B. Father of american poetry
C. Pro Slavery
D. Father of American Liteature
What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Samuel Sewall ? Read More »
American Literature, English Literature Mcqs A. They did not want to disassociate from the Church of England
B. Separate from church of England
C. Start their own beliefs
D. Create seperation
The Puritans who settled Massachusetts Bay were non-separating Puritans, which meant ? Read More »
American Literature, English Literature Mcqs A. The passing on from one generation to another of songs, chants, proverbs, and other verbal compositions after it has been written down.
B. The telling of songs, chants, proverbs, and other verbal compositions to a single generation within and between nonliterate cultures
C. The use of “like” or “as” to draw a comparison between two unlike things
D. The passing on from one generation (and/or locality) to another of songs, chants, proverbs, and other verbal compositions within and between non-literate cultures by word of mouth
Define oral tradition______________? Read More »
American Literature, English Literature Mcqs A. euphemism
B. empathy
C. alliteration
D. onomatopoeia
The use of a etcetera in the final line is_____________? Read More »
American Literature, English Literature Mcqs A. Jamming
B. Ambiguity
C. Snaring
D. Foregrounding
A. will adjust with reality
B. becomes adamant and disillusioned
C. will find sources elsewhere
D. resigns to reality
When the child finds that issues cannot be resolved in 30 minutes he______________? Read More »
American Literature, English Literature Mcqs A. Following orders.
B. Resisting arrest.
C. Civil disobedience.
D. Mutiny.
A. Father of Free verse
B. Father of american poetry
C. Pro Slavery
D. Father of American Liteature
What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Emerson ? Read More »
American Literature, English Literature Mcqs A. Hawthrone
B. Stewart
C. Thoreau
D. A and B