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English Literature Mcqs

How was the priest’s son’s prayer answered ?

How was the priest’s son’s prayer answered ?

A. The prayer was not answered and the people continued to live in sin
B. The dead uncle sent a hail storm to destroy the land
C. The priest’s son was told to set fire to the village
D. The dead uncle sent an earthquake to punish the corn clan for their wrongdoings

How was the priest’s son’s prayer answered ? Read More »

American Literature, English Literature Mcqs

Along the way, goodman Brown and the character who seems to be the devil meet three people______________?

Along the way, goodman Brown and the character who seems to be the devil meet three people______________?

A. Goody Cloyse, Faith, and old goodman Brown.
B. Goody Cloyse, deacon Gookin, and the minister.
C. The minister, old goodman Brown, and deacon Gookin.
D. Faith, old goodman Brown and deacon Gookin.

Along the way, goodman Brown and the character who seems to be the devil meet three people______________? Read More »

American Literature, English Literature Mcqs

According to Hare, what work did the Earthmaker send him to do ?

According to Hare, what work did the Earthmaker send him to do ?

A. To make mischief and cause trouble
B. To trample upon evil beings that were abusing his aunts and uncles
C. To play tricks on other animals to prove how intelligent he is
D. The hare has no purpose that is why his grandmother must always watch over him

According to Hare, what work did the Earthmaker send him to do ? Read More »

American Literature, English Literature Mcqs