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Downstream Processing

Start up expenses in a fermentation industry varies from

Question: Start up expenses in a fermentation industry varies from

0-5% of the capital cost


10-15% of the capital cost


5-10% of the capital cost


15-20% of the capital cost

Answer: Option C


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Start up expenses in a fermentation industry varies from Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Downstream Processing

For cost analysis in a fermentor system, the depreciation cost varies from

Question: For cost analysis in a fermentor system, the depreciation cost varies from

5-6% of the capital cost


6-7% of the capital cost


6-10% of the capital cost


8-10% of the capital cost

Answer: Option C


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For cost analysis in a fermentor system, the depreciation cost varies from Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Downstream Processing

Concentration polarization can be reduced further by

Question: Concentration polarization can be reduced further by

pre filtering the solution


reducing the flow rate per unit membrane surface area


back washing periodically


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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Concentration polarization can be reduced further by Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Downstream Processing

The solvent flux across the membrane can be expressed as (where A is the area, Lp is the membrane permeability, σ is the reflection point, Δp is applied pressure and Δπ is the osmotic pressure)

Question: The solvent flux across the membrane can be expressed as (where A is the area, Lp is the membrane permeability, σ is the reflection point, Δp is applied pressure and Δπ is the osmotic pressure)

J = Lp(Δp – σΔπ)


J/A = Lp(Δp – σΔπ)


J = Lp/σΔπ


J/A = Lp/Δp

Answer: Option A


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The solvent flux across the membrane can be expressed as (where A is the area, Lp is the membrane permeability, σ is the reflection point, Δp is applied pressure and Δπ is the osmotic pressure) Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Downstream Processing

Micro filtration refers to the separation of suspended material such as bacteria by using a membrane with spore sizes of

Question: Micro filtration refers to the separation of suspended material such as bacteria by using a membrane with spore sizes of

0.02 to 10μm







Answer: Option A


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Micro filtration refers to the separation of suspended material such as bacteria by using a membrane with spore sizes of Read More »

Biochemical Engineering, Downstream Processing