Question: Male lions protect their cubs [A]. from the members of their own species [B]. from hyenas only [C]. from hyenas as much as from other enemies [D]. more from hyenas than from other animals Answer: Option D Explanation: No…

Question: Lioness go for hunting [A]. all alone [B]. with their male partners only [C]. with their cubs and male partners [D]. with their cubs only Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: The author is not happy with word ‘law’ because [A]. it connotes rigidity and harshness [B]. it implies an agency which has made them [C]. it does not convey the sense of nature’s uniformity [D]. it gives rise to…

Question: Laws of nature differ from man-made laws because [A]. the former state facts of Nature [B]. they must be obeyed [C]. they are natural [D]. unlike human laws, they are systematic Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available…

Question: In his dream Harold found the loathsome creatures [A]. in his village [B]. in his own house [C]. in a different land [D]. in his office Answer: Option C Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: Harold’s dream was fearful because [A]. it brought him face to face with reality [B]. it was full of vivid pictures of snakes [C]. he saw huge elephant in it [D]. in it he saw slimy creatures feeding on…

Question: From the passage it appears that the author was [A]. an inexperienced hunter [B]. kind and considerate [C]. possessed with fear [D]. a worried man Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question.