Question: A healthy man should be concerned with [A]. his work which good health makes possible [B]. looking after his health [C]. his health which makes work possible [D]. talking about health Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available…

Question: Modern medicine is primarily concerned with [A]. promotion of good health [B]. people suffering from imaginary illness [C]. people suffering from real illness [D]. increased efficiency in work Answer: Option B Explanation: No answer description available for this question.

Question: If man’s bestial yearning is controlled [A]. the future will be tolerable [B]. the future will be brighter than the present [C]. the present will be brighter than the future [D]. the present will become tolerable Answer: Option B…

Question: Fears and hopes according to the author [A]. are closely linked with the life of modern man [B]. can bear fruit [C]. can yield good results [D]. are irrational Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available for this…

Question: “To dispense with a requirement” means [A]. to do without the demand [B]. to drop the charge [C]. to cancel all formal procedure [D]. to alter the provisions of the case Answer: Option A Explanation: No answer description available…

Question: According to the passage, natural justice can be brought about by [A]. administrative authority remaining vigilant [B]. administrative authority upholding rules of natural justice [C]. administrative authority farming rules suitably [D]. administrative authority observing the rules of fair play…

Question: From the passage it is clear that it is the legislature that [A]. invests the administrative authority with enormous powers [B]. embodies rules [C]. has the larger interests of public welfare [D]. leaves administrative authority enough discretion to interpret…

Question: According to the passage, there is always a gap between [A]. rules of natural justice and their application [B]. conception of a rule and its concretisation [C]. demand for natural justice and its realisation [D]. intention and execution Answer:…

Question: A man of courage is [A]. cunning [B]. intelligent [C]. curious [D]. careful Answer: Option D Explanation: No answer description available for this question.