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Chemistry Mcqs

Michael Faraday discovered benzene in the gas which was produced by destructive distillation of vegetable oil that is done in________________?

Michael Faraday discovered benzene in the gas which was produced by destructive distillation of vegetable oil that is done in________________?

A. The presence of Oxygen
B. The presence of Hydrogen
C. The absence of Oxygen
D. The presence of excessive Oxygen

Michael Faraday discovered benzene in the gas which was produced by destructive distillation of vegetable oil that is done in________________? Read More »

Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Chemistry Mcqs

When benzene is substituted by halogens only which one of the following halogens only which one of the following halogens is given the number one position in the ring while writing the name of compound ?

When benzene is substituted by halogens only which one of the following halogens only which one of the following halogens is given the number one position in the ring while writing the name of compound ?

A. Bromine
B. Chlorine
C. Fluorine
D. Iodine

When benzene is substituted by halogens only which one of the following halogens only which one of the following halogens is given the number one position in the ring while writing the name of compound ? Read More »

Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Chemistry Mcqs