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Overall efficiency of the distillation column is

Question: Overall efficiency of the distillation column is

the ratio of number of ideal plates to actual plates.


the ratio of number of actual plates to ideal plates.


same as the Murphree efficiency.


always more than the point efficiency.

Answer: Option A


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Overall efficiency of the distillation column is Read More »


Caustic soda is produced in a mercury cell having anode and cathode made respectively of moving mercury and

Question: Caustic soda is produced in a mercury cell having anode and cathode made respectively of moving mercury and

moving mercury and graphite.


graphite and moving mercury.


moving mercury and carbon.


moving mercury and crimped steel wire.

Answer: Option B


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Caustic soda is produced in a mercury cell having anode and cathode made respectively of moving mercury and Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Materials and Construction

In the kraft (sulphate) process for the paper manufacture, the digestor is made of

Question: In the kraft (sulphate) process for the paper manufacture, the digestor is made of

cast iron


stainless steel


karbate carbon


wrought iron

Answer: Option B


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In the kraft (sulphate) process for the paper manufacture, the digestor is made of Read More »

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Materials and Construction