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Cell Cycle

At the center of the cell cycle control system is Cdk, a protein that

Question: At the center of the cell cycle control system is Cdk, a protein that

is phosphorylated to become active


binds to different cyclins


is only active during mitosis


manufactures growth factors

Answer: Option B


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At the center of the cell cycle control system is Cdk, a protein that Read More »

Biotechnology, Cell Cycle

The cell cycle is controlled in most cells by

Question: The cell cycle is controlled in most cells by

time (after a certain length of time the cell divides)


a series of checkpoints


cell size (when the cell reaches a certain size, it divides)


different cells exhibit different control strategies

Answer: Option D


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The cell cycle is controlled in most cells by Read More »

Biotechnology, Cell Cycle

Which of the following statements about mitosis is incorrect?

Question: Which of the following statements about mitosis is incorrect?

The daughter nuclei are genetically identical to the parent nucleus


Chromosomes separate during anaphase due to the interaction of polar microtubules from opposite poles pushing against each other


Chromosomes separate during anaphase when the kinetochore microtubules shorten as they depolymerize


Chromosomes move to the metaphase plate using motor proteins, a kind of kinesin, attached to spindle fibers

Answer: Option B


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Which of the following statements about mitosis is incorrect? Read More »

Biotechnology, Cell Cycle

Each chromosome contains two chromatids by the end of the __________ phase in the life cycle of a human cell.

Question: Each chromosome contains two chromatids by the end of the __________ phase in the life cycle of a human cell.








Answer: Option D


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Each chromosome contains two chromatids by the end of the __________ phase in the life cycle of a human cell. Read More »

Biotechnology, Cell Cycle