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In plant cells, which of the following is not a function of the large central vacuoles of plant cells?

Question: In plant cells, which of the following is not a function of the large central vacuoles of plant cells?

Storage of food




Contractile regulation of


Waste storage water content

Answer: Option C


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In plant cells, which of the following is not a function of the large central vacuoles of plant cells? Read More »

Biotechnology, Plant Structure

If complex III were incorporated into an artificial lipid vesicle in order to demonstrate it’s proton translocating ability in isolation, which of the following would be an appropriate electron donor?

Question: If complex III were incorporated into an artificial lipid vesicle in order to demonstrate it’s proton translocating ability in isolation, which of the following would be an appropriate electron donor?

Cytochrome c red


Cytochrome c peroxidase


Ubiquinol (UQH2)


Cytochrome c oxidase

Answer: Option C


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If complex III were incorporated into an artificial lipid vesicle in order to demonstrate it’s proton translocating ability in isolation, which of the following would be an appropriate electron donor? Read More »

Biotechnology, Plant Structure

Why do some redox reactions in cells result in the transfer of electrons from a reductant with a higher standard redox potential to an oxidant with a lower standard redox potential?

Question: Why do some redox reactions in cells result in the transfer of electrons from a reductant with a higher standard redox potential to an oxidant with a lower standard redox potential?

Redox potentials are defined under standard conditions, and cellular conditions are typically not standard conditions


The rules governing oxidation and reduction apply only in vitro, and not in vivo


Electrons always go from reductants with high redox potentials to oxidants with low redox potentials


None of the above

Answer: Option A


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Why do some redox reactions in cells result in the transfer of electrons from a reductant with a higher standard redox potential to an oxidant with a lower standard redox potential? Read More »

Biotechnology, Plant Structure

Which of the following statements about mitochondrial proteins is true?

Question: Which of the following statements about mitochondrial proteins is true?

All mitochondrial proteins are coded for and synthesized in the mitochondria


Some mitochondrial proteins are coded for and synthesized in the mitochondria and others


All mitochondrial proteins are imported from the cytoplasm


Mitochondrial proteins arise from other mitochondrial proteins

Answer: Option B


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Which of the following statements about mitochondrial proteins is true? Read More »

Biotechnology, Plant Structure

Which of the following statements about the outer mitochondrial membrane is not true?

Question: Which of the following statements about the outer mitochondrial membrane is not true?

The outer membrane is impermeable to hydrogen ions


The outer membrane is highly permeable to substances of small molecular weight


The outer membrane is about 50% lipid and 50% protein by weight


The outer membrane contains porins

Answer: Option A


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Which of the following statements about the outer mitochondrial membrane is not true? Read More »

Biotechnology, Plant Structure

Which of the following observations is not used as evidence to support the concept of endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Question: Which of the following observations is not used as evidence to support the concept of endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Both have their own DNA


Both have their own ribosomes


Both strongly resemble prokaryotes, especially in size


Both can live and function independently of the cell

Answer: Option D


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Which of the following observations is not used as evidence to support the concept of endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria? Read More »

Biotechnology, Plant Structure