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cDNA clone prepared to stigma mRNA of Brassica oleracea can be used as a probe on DNA digests of segregating populations to recognize

Question: cDNA clone prepared to stigma mRNA of Brassica oleracea can be used as a probe on DNA digests of segregating populations to recognize





Both (a) and (b)


S alleles

Answer: Option D


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cDNA clone prepared to stigma mRNA of Brassica oleracea can be used as a probe on DNA digests of segregating populations to recognize Read More »

Biotechnology, Special Proteins And Crop Improvement

Which of the following transfers a set of genes encoded in a region called T-DNA of the Ti-plasmid into cells at wound positions?

Question: Which of the following transfers a set of genes encoded in a region called T-DNA of the Ti-plasmid into cells at wound positions?

A. tumefaciens


L. peruvianum


L. birsutum


A. sterilis

Answer: Option A


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Which of the following transfers a set of genes encoded in a region called T-DNA of the Ti-plasmid into cells at wound positions? Read More »

Biotechnology, Special Proteins And Crop Improvement

Cytoplast (somatic cell hybridization) is the process in which

Question: Cytoplast (somatic cell hybridization) is the process in which

two protoplast along with their nuclei fuse


a normal protoplast along with an enucleated protoplast fuse


both (a) and (b)


two enucleated protoplasts fuse

Answer: Option C


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Cytoplast (somatic cell hybridization) is the process in which Read More »

Biotechnology, Special Proteins And Crop Improvement

In transgenic plants of Arabidipsis thaliana which of the following gene is transferred for the synthesis of PHB (polyhdroxybutyrate)?

Question: In transgenic plants of Arabidipsis thaliana which of the following gene is transferred for the synthesis of PHB (polyhdroxybutyrate)?

Acetyl Co A reductase


Polyhydroxybutyrate synthease


Both (a) and (b)



Answer: Option C


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In transgenic plants of Arabidipsis thaliana which of the following gene is transferred for the synthesis of PHB (polyhdroxybutyrate)? Read More »

Biotechnology, Special Proteins And Crop Improvement

For increased level of mannitol in transgenic tobacco plants which of the following gene is transferred?

Question: For increased level of mannitol in transgenic tobacco plants which of the following gene is transferred?

Mannitol dehydrogenase


Mannitol synthease


Both (a) and (b)


Mannitol pyrophosphorylase

Answer: Option A


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For increased level of mannitol in transgenic tobacco plants which of the following gene is transferred? Read More »

Biotechnology, Special Proteins And Crop Improvement

Electroporation is

Question: Electroporation is

the process of separating charged molecules through a gel maintained in an electric field


the process of combining foreign DNA to an electrically charged vector molecule


the application of high voltage pulses


the process of multiplication of the cells

Answer: Option C


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Electroporation is Read More »

Biotechnology, Recombinant Dna