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Low temperatures induce the expression of many cold-induced genes. Transgenic plants with improved cold tolerance have been produced by

Question: Low temperatures induce the expression of many cold-induced genes. Transgenic plants with improved cold tolerance have been produced by

expressing the protein that activates expression of these genes all the time in plants


cooling plants using the Peltier effect


expressing a gene for production of antifreeze (ethylene glycol) in plants


increasing evaporative cooling from leaf surfaces

Answer: Option A


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Low temperatures induce the expression of many cold-induced genes. Transgenic plants with improved cold tolerance have been produced by Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

Bruise resistant tomatoes have been developed by the expression of antisense RNA against

Question: Bruise resistant tomatoes have been developed by the expression of antisense RNA against

glycerol 1 phosphate acyl transferase




ACC deaminase


Sucrose phosphate synthase gene

Answer: Option B


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Bruise resistant tomatoes have been developed by the expression of antisense RNA against Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

Cross protection against viruses in transgenic plants can be obtained by

Question: Cross protection against viruses in transgenic plants can be obtained by

inoculating the susceptible strain of a crop with a mild strain of a virus that helps in developing resistance against more virulent strain


inoculating the susceptible strain with the coat proteins of virulent strain


inoculating the susceptible strain with genes of nucleocapsid


any of the above

Answer: Option A


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Cross protection against viruses in transgenic plants can be obtained by Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

Insect resistance in the transgenic plant has been achieved by

Question: Insect resistance in the transgenic plant has been achieved by

transferring genes for Bt toxins


transferring genes for protease inhibitors


transferring genes for other insecticidal secondary metabolities


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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Insect resistance in the transgenic plant has been achieved by Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

For developing herbicide resistance in transgenic plants which of the following approach/(es) is/are used?

Question: For developing herbicide resistance in transgenic plants which of the following approach/(es) is/are used?

Target molecule is made insensitive to herbicide


Target protein is overproduced


A pathway should be introduced that detoxify the herbicide


All of the above

Answer: Option D


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For developing herbicide resistance in transgenic plants which of the following approach/(es) is/are used? Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

Encapsulation is necessary to produce and protect synthetic seeds. The encapsulation is carried out by various types of hydrogels, which are

Question: Encapsulation is necessary to produce and protect synthetic seeds. The encapsulation is carried out by various types of hydrogels, which are

soluble in water


soluble in organic solvents


insoluble in water


insoluble in organic solvents

Answer: Option A


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Encapsulation is necessary to produce and protect synthetic seeds. The encapsulation is carried out by various types of hydrogels, which are Read More »

Biotechnology, Synthetic Seeds

In India first genetically engineered vaccine against HBV was developed by

Question: In India first genetically engineered vaccine against HBV was developed by

Ranbaxy Pvt Ltd


Shantha Biotechnics Pvt Ltd


Dabur Pvt Ltd


Glaxo Pvt Ltd

Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

In India first genetically engineered vaccine against HBV was developed by Read More »

Biotechnology, Synthesis Of Therapeutic Agents