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Given the DNA sequence ATTAAGGC, which sequence would be used by researchers as an antisense molecule?

Question: Given the DNA sequence ATTAAGGC, which sequence would be used by researchers as an antisense molecule?








Answer: Option A


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Given the DNA sequence ATTAAGGC, which sequence would be used by researchers as an antisense molecule? Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

A naturally occurring variant, possessing characteristics of interest, is identified. This plant is selectively bred. This is an example of

Question: A naturally occurring variant, possessing characteristics of interest, is identified. This plant is selectively bred. This is an example of

traditional plant breeding


transgenic technology


mutant selection


none of these

Answer: Option A


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A naturally occurring variant, possessing characteristics of interest, is identified. This plant is selectively bred. This is an example of Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

A __________ is a small laboratory set up to simulate conditions of a particular environment.

Question: A __________ is a small laboratory set up to simulate conditions of a particular environment.








Answer: Option A


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A __________ is a small laboratory set up to simulate conditions of a particular environment. Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

If the goal were to create a plant resistant to an insecticide, which cell-based plant technology would be most effective?

Question: If the goal were to create a plant resistant to an insecticide, which cell-based plant technology would be most effective?

Clonal propagation




Protoplast fusion


Mutant selection

Answer: Option D


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If the goal were to create a plant resistant to an insecticide, which cell-based plant technology would be most effective? Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

Expression of antisense RNA in transgenic plants is a general method used to

Question: Expression of antisense RNA in transgenic plants is a general method used to

activate the expression of all genes in a biochemical pathway


eliminate the expression of all genes in a biochemical pathway


block the expression of virus coat protein genes


reduce or eliminate the expression of individual genes

Answer: Option D


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Expression of antisense RNA in transgenic plants is a general method used to Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

In transgenic plants that have been manipulated to express patho-genesis-related (PR) proteins all the time it has been shown that

Question: In transgenic plants that have been manipulated to express patho-genesis-related (PR) proteins all the time it has been shown that

these provide no protection at all against pathogens


expression of one PR protein provides high levels of protection against many pathogens


expression of two PR proteins provides some protection against a few pathogens


these proteins trigger the production of other antimicrobial defenses

Answer: Option D


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In transgenic plants that have been manipulated to express patho-genesis-related (PR) proteins all the time it has been shown that Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant

Metabolic interference is a term used to describe a method to metabolize a compound and prevent the synthesis of something that is normally produced. What compound(s) have been targeted for metabolic interference in tomato?

Question: Metabolic interference is a term used to describe a method to metabolize a compound and prevent the synthesis of something that is normally produced. What compound(s) have been targeted for metabolic interference in tomato?

ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid)


SAM (S-adenosylmethionine)


Both (a) and (b)


AOA (aminooxyacetic acid)

Answer: Option C


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Metabolic interference is a term used to describe a method to metabolize a compound and prevent the synthesis of something that is normally produced. What compound(s) have been targeted for metabolic interference in tomato? Read More »

Biotechnology, Transgenic Plant