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The percentage of individual with a given genotype, which exhibits the associated phenotype, is defined as

Question: The percentage of individual with a given genotype, which exhibits the associated phenotype, is defined as





inheritance percent


environmental influence

Answer: Option A


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The percentage of individual with a given genotype, which exhibits the associated phenotype, is defined as Read More »

Animal Biotechnology Chromosomes, Biotechnology

In a dihybrid cross, the progeny of an Fl individual (hetero2ygous for both characters) will show a phenotypic ratio of

Question: In a dihybrid cross, the progeny of an Fl individual (hetero2ygous for both characters) will show a phenotypic ratio of








Answer: Option A


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In a dihybrid cross, the progeny of an Fl individual (hetero2ygous for both characters) will show a phenotypic ratio of Read More »

Animal Biotechnology Chromosomes, Biotechnology

Transmission of a gene from male parent to female child to male grand child is known as

Question: Transmission of a gene from male parent to female child to male grand child is known as

holandric inheritance


quantitative inheritance


criss-cross inheritance


maternal inheritance

Answer: Option C


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Transmission of a gene from male parent to female child to male grand child is known as Read More »

Animal Biotechnology Chromosomes, Biotechnology

Which of the following is correct when a character shows continuous variation assuming a normal distribution?

Question: Which of the following is correct when a character shows continuous variation assuming a normal distribution?

It is governed by many genes with small cumulative effect


It is not controlled genetically


Many of the variation is due to fluctuation of climate


None of the above

Answer: Option A


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Which of the following is correct when a character shows continuous variation assuming a normal distribution? Read More »

Animal Biotechnology Chromosomes, Biotechnology

A map of chromosomes that utilizes cloned and sequenced DNA fragments rather than genetic markers is known as

Question: A map of chromosomes that utilizes cloned and sequenced DNA fragments rather than genetic markers is known as

a physical map


a genetic map


a cloning map


none of these

Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question.

A map of chromosomes that utilizes cloned and sequenced DNA fragments rather than genetic markers is known as Read More »

Animal Biotechnology Chromosomes, Biotechnology

In an organism, the chromosome number is maintained constant because of

Question: In an organism, the chromosome number is maintained constant because of

independent assortment


crossing over


DNA duplication



Answer: Option C


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In an organism, the chromosome number is maintained constant because of Read More »

Animal Biotechnology Chromosomes, Biotechnology