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Antibiotics are typically produced in fed batch reactors because

Question: Antibiotics are typically produced in fed batch reactors because

antibiotic yields are generally higher when cells enter the stationary phase


the precursors are often toxic to the cells


antibiotic yields are generally higher when cell growth slows


All of the above

Answer: Option D


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Antibiotics are typically produced in fed batch reactors because Read More »

Antibiotics, Biotechnology

During the growth of animal cells in culture, it is noticed that the cells do not look very healthy. After an investigation, this is found that there is a lot of lactic acid in the culture fluid. What is probably wrong with this culture?

Question: During the growth of animal cells in culture, it is noticed that the cells do not look very healthy. After an investigation, this is found that there is a lot of lactic acid in the culture fluid. What is probably wrong with this culture?

Ethyl alcohol is being produced in excess


The cells have too much oxygen


Glycolysis is being inhibited


The cells do not have enough oxygen

Answer: Option D


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During the growth of animal cells in culture, it is noticed that the cells do not look very healthy. After an investigation, this is found that there is a lot of lactic acid in the culture fluid. What is probably wrong with this culture? Read More »

Animal Cell Culture And Regulation, Biotechnology

In animal cell culture, particularly mammalian cell culture, transformation means

Question: In animal cell culture, particularly mammalian cell culture, transformation means

uptake of new genetic material


phenotypic modifications of cells in culture


both (a) and (b)


release of genetic information

Answer: Option B


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In animal cell culture, particularly mammalian cell culture, transformation means Read More »

Animal Cell Culture And Regulation, Biotechnology

According to Eagle, the growth of L-strain and Hela-strain cultures require to have mandatory presence of

Question: According to Eagle, the growth of L-strain and Hela-strain cultures require to have mandatory presence of

6 amino acids


8 amino acids


10 amino acids


12 amino acids

Answer: Option D


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According to Eagle, the growth of L-strain and Hela-strain cultures require to have mandatory presence of Read More »

Animal Cell Culture And Regulation, Biotechnology

For culturing, plasma from the adult chicken is preferred to mammalian plasma because

Question: For culturing, plasma from the adult chicken is preferred to mammalian plasma because

it forms a clear and solid coagulum even after dilution


it is too opaque


it doesn’t produce solid clots


it forms a semi solid coagulum

Answer: Option A


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For culturing, plasma from the adult chicken is preferred to mammalian plasma because Read More »

Animal Cell Culture And Regulation, Biotechnology