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A micro array is an ordered array of microscopic elements on a planer substrate that allows the specific binding of

Question: A micro array is an ordered array of microscopic elements on a planer substrate that allows the specific binding of

gene or gene products


whole genome


both (a) and (b)


none of these

Answer: Option A


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A micro array is an ordered array of microscopic elements on a planer substrate that allows the specific binding of Read More »

Biosensors And Biochips, Biotechnology

If a winemaker wanted to make a deeply colored red wine, which of the following should not be done?

Question: If a winemaker wanted to make a deeply colored red wine, which of the following should not be done?

Bleed off juice prior to fermenting on skins


Ferment at a high temperature


Use whole clusters


Punch down at least once a day

Answer: Option C


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If a winemaker wanted to make a deeply colored red wine, which of the following should not be done? Read More »

Beer And Wine, Biotechnology