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Which of the following organism is not used in any of the traditional industrial fermentation?

Question: Which of the following organism is not used in any of the traditional industrial fermentation?

E. coli







Answer: Option A


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Which of the following organism is not used in any of the traditional industrial fermentation? Read More »

Biotechnology, Ethanol Production

Inundation involves use of a/an

Question: Inundation involves use of a/an

large number of organisms over a short time to suppress/destroy a population


organism over a short time to suppress/destroy a population


large number of organisms over a long time to suppress/destroy a population


organism over a long time to suppress/destroy a population

Answer: Option A


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Inundation involves use of a/an Read More »

Biotechnology, Environmental Protection

Which of the following/(s) can be used for the reduction of nitrate in waste water?

Question: Which of the following/(s) can be used for the reduction of nitrate in waste water?

Growth of Hypomicrobium in presence of added methanol


Micrococcus denitrificans cells encapsulated in liquid membranes


Both (a) and (b)


Nitrosomonas europaen

Answer: Option C


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Which of the following/(s) can be used for the reduction of nitrate in waste water? Read More »

Biotechnology, Environmental Protection

If the RBC of human were kept in 0.9% NaCl solution, what sort of change will occur to RBC?

Question: If the RBC of human were kept in 0.9% NaCl solution, what sort of change will occur to RBC?

Cell will Burst


Cell will shrink


No change to RBC


RBC will destroy

Answer: Option C


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If the RBC of human were kept in 0.9% NaCl solution, what sort of change will occur to RBC? Read More »

Biotechnology, Disorders

Which of the following sets belongs to a distinct class or category?

Question: Which of the following sets belongs to a distinct class or category?

Ribose, sucrose, glucose, fructose


Sterols, waxes, fatty acids, amino acids.


Oils, sterols, waxes, fats


Nucleotide, nucleoside, nucleus, DNA

Answer: Option B


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Which of the following sets belongs to a distinct class or category? Read More »

Biotechnology, Disorders

A deficiency of the enzyme Hypoxanthine Guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) may cause

Question: A deficiency of the enzyme Hypoxanthine Guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) may cause

Gaucher’s disease


Ehlers-Danlos syndrome


Lesch- Nyhan syndrome


Kleinefelter’s syndrome

Answer: Option C


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A deficiency of the enzyme Hypoxanthine Guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) may cause Read More »

Biotechnology, Disorders