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A very common mutualistic, symbiotic relationship between a fungus and the roots of a plant is

Question: A very common mutualistic, symbiotic relationship between a fungus and the roots of a plant is








Answer: Option B


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A very common mutualistic, symbiotic relationship between a fungus and the roots of a plant is Read More »

Biotechnology, General Plant Biotechnology

Archaeabacteria differ from the true bacteria as they have

Question: Archaeabacteria differ from the true bacteria as they have

different cell membrane lipids


cell wall composition


ribosomal RNA structure


growth not inhibited by antibiotics

Answer: Option B


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Archaeabacteria differ from the true bacteria as they have Read More »

Biotechnology, General Plant Biotechnology

As the fermentation for the ethanol production is over, the cells are separated to get the biomass of yeast cells that is used

Question: As the fermentation for the ethanol production is over, the cells are separated to get the biomass of yeast cells that is used

for next fermentation


as single cell protein for animal feed


as manure


all of the above

Answer: Option B


No answer description available for this question.

As the fermentation for the ethanol production is over, the cells are separated to get the biomass of yeast cells that is used Read More »

Biotechnology, Ethanol Production

If starch containing substrates are used for ethanol production, yeast strain can’t be used directly because

Question: If starch containing substrates are used for ethanol production, yeast strain can’t be used directly because

it doesn’t contain amylases to hydrolyze starch


starch is not a suitable substrate for the production of ethanol


it is converted to pentose sugar


none of the above

Answer: Option A


No answer description available for this question.

If starch containing substrates are used for ethanol production, yeast strain can’t be used directly because Read More »

Biotechnology, Ethanol Production

Candida utilis is used for the fermentation of waste sulphate liquor since it ferments

Question: Candida utilis is used for the fermentation of waste sulphate liquor since it ferments

hexoses only


pentoses only


both hexoses and pentoses


none of these

Answer: Option C


No answer description available for this question.

Candida utilis is used for the fermentation of waste sulphate liquor since it ferments Read More »

Biotechnology, Ethanol Production