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Neutralized activated charcoal is occasionally added to young regenerating cultures to

Question: Neutralized activated charcoal is occasionally added to young regenerating cultures to

remove toxic phenolics produced by the stressed plant cell


help to remove plants growth regulators introduced at an earlier stage


both (a) and (b)


maintain the pH of the medium

Answer: Option C


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Neutralized activated charcoal is occasionally added to young regenerating cultures to Read More »

Biotechnology, Media Required For Plant Cell Culture

Nitrogen in the plant cell culture media is provided by either ammonia or nitrate salt. In the media

Question: Nitrogen in the plant cell culture media is provided by either ammonia or nitrate salt. In the media

utilization of ammonium cause culture pH to drop while utilization of nitrate cause culture pH to rise


utilization of nitrate cause culture pH to drop while utilization of ammonium cause culture pH to rise


utilization of both ammonium and nitrate result in rise in pH


utilization of both ammonium and nitrate result in drop in pH

Answer: Option A


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Nitrogen in the plant cell culture media is provided by either ammonia or nitrate salt. In the media Read More »

Biotechnology, Media Required For Plant Cell Culture

In plant cell culture media, auxins and cytokinins are used in the range of

Question: In plant cell culture media, auxins and cytokinins are used in the range of







more than 125μM

Answer: Option A


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In plant cell culture media, auxins and cytokinins are used in the range of Read More »

Biotechnology, Media Required For Plant Cell Culture

Co-integrating transformation vectors must include a region of homology in

Question: Co-integrating transformation vectors must include a region of homology in

the vector plasmid


the Ti-plasmid


between vector plasmid and Ti-plasmid


none of these

Answer: Option C


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Co-integrating transformation vectors must include a region of homology in Read More »

Biotechnology, Gene Transfer In Plants

In the liposome mediated gene transfer in plants, nucleic acids are

Question: In the liposome mediated gene transfer in plants, nucleic acids are

protected from nuclease digestion


stable in liposomes


both (a) and (b)


not stable in liposomes

Answer: Option C


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In the liposome mediated gene transfer in plants, nucleic acids are Read More »

Biotechnology, Gene Transfer In Plants

Advantage of microprojectile method over microinjection method for gene transfer in plants include

Question: Advantage of microprojectile method over microinjection method for gene transfer in plants include

intact cells are used


method is universal in its application irrespective of all shape, size, type and presence or absence of cell wall


gene can be transferred to many cells simultaneously


all of the above

Answer: Option D


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Advantage of microprojectile method over microinjection method for gene transfer in plants include Read More »

Biotechnology, Gene Transfer In Plants

Microprojectile method of gene transfer in plants involves delivery of DNA

Question: Microprojectile method of gene transfer in plants involves delivery of DNA

with the help of micromanipulator


with the help of bolistics


with the help of needles


any of the above

Answer: Option B


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Microprojectile method of gene transfer in plants involves delivery of DNA Read More »

Biotechnology, Gene Transfer In Plants