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A plasmid used to introduce BT toxin into a plant cell

Question: A plasmid used to introduce BT toxin into a plant cell

carries an antibiotic resistance gene that makes the plant resistant to antibiotics


causes the plant to produce opines


is toxic for the plant cell


carries a bacterial gene with a plant promoter

Answer: Option D


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A plasmid used to introduce BT toxin into a plant cell Read More »

Biotechnology, Plant Genetics

In the meiotic cell divison in daughter cells are produced by two successive division in which

Question: In the meiotic cell divison in daughter cells are produced by two successive division in which

first division is equational, second is reductional


first division is reductional and second is equational


both divisions are reductional


both divisions are equational

Answer: Option A


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In the meiotic cell divison in daughter cells are produced by two successive division in which Read More »

Biotechnology, Plant Genetics

Cell fusion method includes the preparation of large number of

Question: Cell fusion method includes the preparation of large number of

plant cells stripped of their cell wall


single plant cell stripped of their cell wall


plant cells with cell wall


cells from different species

Answer: Option B


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Cell fusion method includes the preparation of large number of Read More »

Biotechnology, Plant Cell Culture